
In the Wake of Mass School-Shootings, Politicians Blame Atheism

On Tuesday, May 31, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) released an article condemning politicians who blamed the Texas school shooting "on atheism, irreligiosity or lack of faith."

The FFRF "is condemning a recent barrage of troubling comments by politicians callously blaming the Texas school shooting on atheism, irreligiosity, or lack of faith," the article said.

Indian Martyr Declared Saint by Vatican For Anti-Caste Activism

Pope Francis declared Devasahayam, also known as Lazarus, a saint on May 16, thus making him the first Indian layman to be canonized.

Devasahayam was born into an upper-caste Hindu family in 1712 in the south Indian town of Kanyakumari. He was baptized in 1745 in Travancore (modern-day Kerela), fought against caste discrimination, and advocated for social equality.

Christian Homework Asks Kids to Explain How to Make Their Friends Straight

Students in a Christian middle school in Kentucky, USA, were assigned a writing project where they contacted a hypothetical gay friend and tried to persuade them to stop being gay.

The Pastor Wears Prada: African Preacher Says God Ordered Him to Wear Heels

TOGO- A Togolese pastor is raising eyebrows across Africa after images emerged on social media of the clergyman preaching his faith in high heels.

As of the writing of this article, his name remains unverified, but the pastor is going by the simple nickname ‘the high heels pastor.’

Supreme Court Declares Boston City Hall Must Fly Christian Flag

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the city of Boston had violated the free speech of a Christian group by rejecting its request to fly a Christian flag at the city hall.

On May 2, the supreme court unanimously ruled that Boston, the capital of Massachusetts, has infringed on the first amendment rights of the Christian group, Camp Constitution.

US Panel Recommends Sanctioning India Over Religious Freedom Violations

For the third year, the United States panel on international religious affairs recommended labeling India as one of the "countries of particular concern." The report accuses India and other countries of engaging or tolerating "systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations" of religious rights.
