
Christian Nationalists' 2023 Political Strategy Revealed

American Atheists, an organization promoting religious equality and a member of Humanist International, warned about the likely strategy of white Christian nationalists in 2023 after the midterm elections.

Their warning is based on the organization’s 2022 State of the Secular States report, which comprehensively and thoroughly analyzes secularism and religious equality in all of America’s states and territories, including Puerto Rico and Washington, DC.

Interfaith Leaders & Secularists Sue to Stop Missouri’s Abortion Ban

A group of 13 religious leaders from various denominations filed a lawsuit on January 19 in St.Louis, Missouri, challenging the state’s ban on abortion, arguing that lawmakers used their religious beliefs to pass the law and imposed those beliefs on others.

Santas Assaulted by Hindu Nationalists at Indian Carnival

Hindu Nationalists beat up a group of Santa Clauses in India. The country now faces an upsurge in targeted attacks on Christians.

Man Ordered to Remove "Jesus is the Only Way" Shirt at Mall of America

A video capturing a confrontation between a man and security guards in Mall of America went viral online after guards asked him to remove his t-shirt, which read, in part, “Jesus is the only way.”

In the video taken by Kameko Rawls and uploaded on Facebook, one of the guards was seen talking to the man, identified as Paul Shoro, regarding his clothes. The bright yellow t-shirt read “Jesus Saves” on the front with another message on the back saying “Jesus is the only way” and the Coexist logo crossed out.

SCOTUS to Hear Christian Postman's Discrimination Case Over Sunday Work

On January 13, the US Supreme Court agreed to consider a case of religious discrimination dismissed by a lower court.

Sexy Demi Lovato Crucifix Poster Banned for Offending Christians

A promotional poster for Demi Lovato’s latest album was banned in the UK and pulled from billboards for being offensive toward Christians. The poster began to appear across London last summer.

Jewish Extremists Vandalize Christian Graves in Jerusalem

On January 1, dozens of graves were vandalized in Jerusalem’s cemetery on Mount Zion. A few days later, a video emerged where the subjects perpetrating the crime were shown wearing traditional Jewish attire.

On January 4, a reporter from the Jewish news Haaretz, Nir Hasson, tweeted the video captioned “two Jews vandalizing graves.” The footage shows the men wearing kippas (Jewish head covering) and tassels (tzitzit) knotted to their clothing, per the Torah’s command to the Hebrews. The men pulled down crosses inside the Christian cemetery and then smashed them to pieces.

Survey Reveals that US Congress is More Religious than Most Americans

A new report from the Pew Research Center reveals that the 118th US Congress is more Christian and religious than the general public.

The new report says that around 88% of all members of Congress are Christian, compared to only 63% of Americans who identify as such. That includes 57% of Congress members who identify as Protestant and 28% who are Catholic, both higher than the national percentage.
