Stephen Colbert
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This is brilliant in a way but also goes from a to z and then back to a. The main message is so true though, the more we evolve the more we realize we dont know squat.
Well thank God for Galilaeo, I can imagine a world with no lesbian porn, but I don't want to.
High Five Galileo :) Although, I believe the Greeks, who were well before Christ and light years ahead of and before Galileo, also had lesbians. Leave it to Europeans to believe the invented the concept of the solar system ( which the ancient Egyptians were well aware of) as well as homosexuality.
Because of Colbert's usual rants and irreverent speeches, I don't put much effort in reading anything that comes out of his mind. I am not saying that I don't like him, just that he has been over done for so long and it's time for him to be taken more seriously so he should put the comedic words aside.
This is amazing, Colbert is so funny.