“A good world needs knowledge, kindliness, and courage; it does not need a regretful hankering after the past or a fettering of the free intelligence by the words uttered long ago by ignorant men.”
- Bertrand Russell
Quote Source: Why I Am Not A Christian - Bertrand Russell
This one is so good and so true. We have evolved and grown so much as a species that it truly feels like a ridiculous thing to continue to base our existance and out way of viewing life in things that a bunch of now outdated and ignorant men said.
I also agree. We've evolved past the answers that religion provided, and to be honest, most of humanity was past the point of needing those answers before they were created. Why we took such a giant step backwards is beyond me.
Some family trees have yet to take the giant step forward. Though some cultures have evolved past religion in the past it seems to me to be a thing that goes in cycles.
I am always still interested in what drives people to say such ignorant things. Sadly but not always the root of ignorance can be found in religious or political reason.