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Islam gives Women’s right…Have you think about it…???
how can Islam give women's right, Islam is obliged to marry 4 wives even if he can do justice them what is the point it's same here women is more like marring for pleasure as if they are items and no women will accept this unless brainwashed one!
.if any betrayal is done either women or men outside marriage Islam have an very severe punishment because it is an indeed Betrayal, Islam can not tolerate this…it is the religion of peace…no immodest acts are accepted..
you mean stoning to death if either side do sexual intercourse this is one of things is wrong in your religion how can your good god and prophet allowed such severe punishment to valuable human life.
Cyber ...
Just for clarification
you got that a bit wrong....
It was Maryam ...that was extolling the virtues of the "religion of peace" ...
While Maming was explaining that it was PowerfulSpeaker's version of said "religion of peace" that had helped him to his current atheistic leaning ....
TY Watchman.
No, I wouldn't. Until you can demonstrate that a Satan exists, you cannot possibly hope to demonstrate that it ever said anything to anyone.
Hi Maming
You are talking about interpretation of a text. You are right. It is possible to interpret the Quran in many different ways, and there are several splintered groups because they have interpreted it in different ways. Therefore, the moot question is, what then is the right interpretation?
Any quranic verse should only be interpreted in the light of the prophet’s teachings. Why do I say this? Because Quran says so to prophet Mohammed (SAW).
Quran: 16:44. And We have also sent down unto you the reminder and the advice, that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought.
Therefore, the verse in question should be explained in the light of prophet’s teachings. From the life of the prophet it is clear that you should kill only those you make war against you. And not innocent people, Muslims or Non-Muslims.
The quranic text is very clear that you should fight only those who fight you. If you argue otherwise, you will have to produce your proof from hadith where the prophet commanded his followers to kill innocents.
Valiya / Maryam ....
Have to ask ..... you both postulate a "combat aggressors" only line.....
"No Practicing Muslim can even think about harming an innocent person either Muslim or Non-Muslim..!!
"And not innocent people, Muslims or Non-Muslims."
and yet Sura 9.123 seems to mitigate against your position....
"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him).
You see...."near to you" ....not "near to you who are attacking you" .... just any old disbeliever.
Surely this denotes a more overtly bellicose tradition .... ?
Oh yes ...the innocent people you claim should be safe from Muslim swords ...?
You asked for Hadiths in support of claims against this stand point......
Sahih Bukhari
Book 52
Hadith 256
"Narated By As-Sab bin Jaththama : The Prophet passed by me at a place called Al-Abwa or Waddan, and was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, "They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans)."
Sorry ,not trying to be a "pain" .... but you must surely see the disconnect between what you two tell us and what we read in your book.
you are not supposed to pick out a sentence from here and there in the quran and then make a blanket statement. You have to read it in its context. If you read this chapter from the beginning, you will know that it has a very specific context and it’s talking about the changing dynamics between Muslims and non-Muslims following a treaty (the treaty of Hudaibiya) and the non-muslims side was breaking it regularly. They were making a mockery of the treaty, breaking it when it suited them and adhering to it when it suited them. The verses in this chapter are declaring the end of all such nonsense and that muslims are not supposed to put up with it anymore. If you read from the beginning, you will understand.
If Muslims had understood this verse as you did, then you wouldn’t find 10 million Coptic Christians living in Egypt today, and the millions more living in Syria, Palestine and other Muslim lands. They have been living CLOSE to with muslims for centuries, and yet have thrived, prospered and flourished.
Coming to the hadith you quoted. I don’t know what your level of knowledge in the sciences of hadith is? But at the bare minimum, all jurists are agreed, that you can’t just quote one hadith and derive a ruling from it. You have to analyze all of the prophet’s statements and deeds on the subject before coming to a conclusion.
There are loads of hadith which I can show you where the prophet (PBUH) forbade the killing of women and children. Here is one quick example.
It is narrated by Ibn 'Umar that a woman was found killed in one of these battles; so the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) forbade the killing of women and children. [Sahih Muslim, Book 019, Number 4320]
The hadith you quoted comes without a proper context. We don’t know what the situation was at that moment. Scholars analyzed all the hadith on the subject and say that as there are very clear injunctions from the prophet forbidding the killing of women and children, this hadith has to be seen as a permissibility in war situations where you don’t have any other option. Such as, if you don’t attack considering women and children, you face the threat of obliteration. This is an acceptable standard even in our modern day warfare.
Ah yes.... context.....I should have realised ..... its a line pulled by every single apologist I have ever come across...
"you will know that it has a very specific context "...
I see ... so this instruction is a sort of "one off" dispensation..... and not to be used as justification in other places ,at other times ...?
and yet .... there are those who say that ,
"The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with non-believers for the sake of Islamic rule."
do these verses also have specific "contexts" ?.... ( now if I were you ,I'd ask for an example ...so ...)
2:216 "Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not."
Surely you agree that this sounds pretty belligerent .... not too much room for manoeuvre here.
As to the Copts you mentioned...
"then you wouldn’t find 10 million Coptic Christians living in Egypt today" ....
Well I think you'll find the Copts in Egypt number around 8 million ...( 2014 survey) ... but I take your point.....
although .....
"Abu Mus ‘ab al-Maqdisi, a leader in the Islamic State .... also called on jihadis in Egypt to “target the Copts,” the nation’s indigenous, Christian minorities: “For targeting them, following them, and killing them is one of the main ways to serve the cause of our virtuous male and female hostages of the tyrants.”
"According to Mina Thabet, founder of the People’s Initiative Party, cases of Coptic abduction and ransoming against huge sums of money are on the rise in the Minya Governorate of Upper Egypt—proving to be a lucrative “business” for “thugs and terrorists” of the Islamic persuasion in an area that is “at an all-time low and ridden with corruption.”
Thabet says that since January 25 2011, the date of Egypt’s original “Arab Spring,” these kidnappings have cost the Copts over 120 million Egyptian pounds."
Purging of Christians well underway in Egypt ...
I could go on ... but you get the point ....I'm sure.
Any way I note you use the phrase "Science of hadith"
SCIENCE ??? ..not sure where you are getting your definitions from ... but here is mine....
":The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment:"
Not sure how you can accommodate this in the somewhat nebulous and vague interpretations of the man made writings that you call hadiths. Many of the collections are obviously biased for various parties in the Islamic world..... Sunnis hold to hadiths that support Sunni pre-eminence ...while ...surprise ..surprise the Shia have their own hadiths which support their own proclivities...
"you can’t just quote one hadith " ... what? why not ? if they are not reliable why have them at all.
"you are not supposed to pick out a sentence from here and there in the quran" ... why ? Is it not the perfect word of God ?
"There are loads of hadith which I can show you where the prophet (PBUH) forbade the killing of women and children."
Two points here.... first ... my "admitedly imperfect" understanding is that the hadiths are not the work of Mohammad himself ,merely the reported events in support or clarification of one event or another that is actually contained within the Quran .
So at best you can only show me "loads" of hadith that propose that Mohammad is reported as saying or doing something according to a third party ,whose veracity will be of variable reliability.
Unless ,of course you are claiming divine input into the hadiths ,which would put them on a par with the Quran itself.??
"The hadith you quoted comes without a proper context." ....... As with many of the hadiths.
"We don’t know what the situation was at that moment." ......As with many of the hadiths.
"this hadith has to be seen as a permissibility in war situations where you don’t have any other option." ..... why ? does it say this anywhere ?
"Such as, if you don’t attack considering women and children, you face the threat of obliteration. " ... this is pure speculation in an attempt to justify your position.
"This is an acceptable standard even in our modern day warfare." ......
Well ...this should be the case for all civilised forces....however ...it does seem that ISIL ,Boko Haram ,the Taliban , Al Shabaab ,Al Qaeda etc. etc. do seem to have not received the memo.
You seem to imply that context is a sort of pretext we hide behind to duck the real question. But context is a basic criteria in understanding any statement in any language. If I told you, “Come let’s have a chat about Islam,” you would not apply the conventional meaning of “chat” as in talking. You would understand that I am referring to typing out posts on this thread. That’s applying context.
Consider the following verses of quran…
Quran says in 5:32: “killing one innocent soul is as if killing the whole of humanity..”
Quran 2:256: “there is no compulsion in religion.”
…and if based on this, I argue that quran is not preaching violence… what would you say. You might want to bring in context and comparisons with other verses to draw a conclusion. Right? That’s precisely what I am saying you should do with any verse of Quran.
And then you give examples of Muslims who have understood this verse in the sense you understand. I have the same advice to give them as well. In a religion followed by more than a billion people, these kinds of bad apples are bound to be there. They may have a personal axe to grind for political or whatever ends.
There are people who worship dead muslims saints, and justify their deeds from the quran. Is there any other book that is more explicit is condemning the worship of creations than the quran? Yet, you find people doing exactly that.
Some people say that it’s prohibited to pray in Islam, because quran says so: 107:4 “Woe to those who pray.” What I am saying is, if you want to interpret the quran not from the teachings of the prophet, but based on your whims, then you can come up with any meaning you want.
And then you said about 109 verses calling muslims to fight non-believers for the sake of Islamic rule. And you quoted an example of 2:216. Where in that verse does it say that war is ordained “for the sake of Islamic rule?” The example doesn’t seem to support your argument.
And here is another statistic. There are more than 200 verses in quran that exhort peace and mercy. What have you to say about that? In fact sura 107 rebukes in harsh terms the one who doesn’t care for the orphan or doesn’t feed the hungry (irrespective of faith).
All these only emphasize the need for context!
And then you said about Coptic Christians and the troubles they are facing in Egypt and so on.
The moot point is that there are 10 (or 8 million as you say) Coptic Christians presently living in Egypt. They have been living there since the time of Islam. Islam has been ruling for more than 10 centuries in Egypt. Even if one caliph had applied the quranic verse in question (as you understand it), he could have fully wiped them out. But no one did that. Especially, when Islamic history is full of pious warriors like Salahuddin Ayyubi, who could’ve ensured that not a single non-muslim existed in any Muslim land. Strange, nobody thought so…
And then to bring odd examples of violence from the present days when the Middle East is extremely volatile…thanks to the western interference… I can only call it at best myopic. You are missing the larger picture for some minute details.
Muslims are being persecuted in India by Hindus. I wouldn’t quote that as an example against Hinduism. There is violence against muslims in Burma perpetrated by Budhists. I wouldn’t quote that example against budhism…
In fact some of the worst violence was seen during communist regimes in Russia, China and Cambodia. They were atheists. Therefore, will I be justified in saying that atheism is a violent ideology? I can almost hear you screaming, atheism is not an ideology. But I hope you get my overall drift.
And then your take on my use of the phrase; “Science of hadith”. This is a commonly used translation of the Arabic phrase “Usool Ul Hadith”… it means the methodology of analyzing hadith. This is a very deep subject in Islam. I though you would be familiar with the phrase.
You said a lot of things about the authenticity of hadith literature. This is a very vast subject. I don’t know how much you have tried to understand this subject. Orientalism has moved far from the days of Ignaz Goldziher… and today we have orientalists who view hadiths and its methodologies, especially the sanad system, which is at the heart of it, with a lot of respect.
If you want we can start a separate debate on this topic: “The reliability of hadith as a historical document.”
After the events of today in Pakistan ....
I don't feel it "appropriate" to indulge in our little jousts tonight....
(I don't trust myself not to argue "in anger" ... you have been an excellent adversary ... and I would not willingly degrade our exchanges)
So...I will respond to your points tomorrow ..
sure watchman... i am waiting
“You seem to imply that context is a sort of pretext we hide behind to duck the real question.”
Im not implying it … I say it straight out … Theists ,of all stripes ,often use “context” to duck real questions. Just check any 5 “debate” threads on any Atheist website and you’ll find at least 2 examples of the “context” card being played.
Most Atheists have been confronted with this ploy…
“One thing that I found highly annoying was the tendency (as usual) for the Christians to quote verse after verse from the bible. Yet the moment I quoted from the bible, I was immediately told that I was 'quoting the bible out of context.' “
“I argue that quran is not preaching violence”
Yet you admit to these verses being “understood in the same sense as I do” by some Muslims….. which sort of proves my point….. don’t you think ?
If I ,an atheist, as well as “some Muslims” read the same verses the same way …..don’t you think that it may be your understanding that is wrong. Those you call (somewhat disingenuously as it turns out) “bad apples” seem to have a valid claim to Holy justification at least.
Anyway …. With regard to the verse 2.216 …. Yes that was clumsily worded by me.
It was my intention to raise the point of the supposed 109 verses ( I personally believe that this number is greatly exaggerated) but as I said it is said by some.
My intention was then to use verse 2.216 to counter the claim that Isalm is a religion of peace.
It was not my intent to link 2.216 with the verses claiming that war is ordained “for the sake of Islamic rule?”
I appologise for my sloppy composition.
The 200 verses regarding peace and mercy ? with your permission I will return to these later ,perhaps in another thread.
But as to your point on Sura 107….
You said ,
” In fact sura 107 rebukes in harsh terms the one who doesn’t care for the orphan or doesn’t feed the hungry (irrespective of faith).”
Which is not entirely accurate …is it?
107:1 Hast thou observed him who belieth religion ?
107:2 That is he who repelleth the orphan,
107:3 And urgeth not the feeding of the needy.
107:4 Ah, woe unto worshippers
107:5 Who are heedless of their prayer;
107:6 Who would be seen (at worship)
107:7 Yet refuse small kindnesses!
Harsh terms ??? Woe ? Harsh ?
And I see no reference to (irrespective of faith)
It seems to me that you inflate the significance of the , shall we say ,more reasonable verses ….. while ,at the same time , down playing the implications of the wilder more bellicose verses.
Look again at 2.216….
“Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not.”
Your god wants you to fight in wars ,whether or not you actually want to . And he knows best.
“Coptic Christians presently living in Egypt. They have been living there since the time of Islam. Islam has been ruling for more than 10 centuries in Egypt.”
All true of course however …. The Copts have been in Egypt since around 400 AD ,so long before Islam. In fact until the mid 10th century they were the majority religion.
That I think indicates why the early Caliphs left them in relative peace…Later Caliphs settled for “milking” the Copts for cash via the Jizya.
True too that there are in Islamic history several pious warriors like Salahuddin Ayyubi, who could’ve ensured that not a single non-muslim existed in any Muslim land. Strange, nobody thought so…
However ,in the main they were far too intelligent to cause major disruption within their own realms…
You mention Salahuddin , well known and well liked throughout most of the medieval world …. With the notable exception of the Ismaili Assassin cult.
I liked Zengi too….. A somewhat intemperate man but eminently courageous , able and clever.
Then there was Nur ad din …
now this was a truly great leader….. not a dashing battle winning general…but an ice cold ,razor sharp intellectual. This was intelligence on legs.
Your next three paragraphs go on to exhibit yet another common theistic trait ….
Namely a “persecution complex”
“The Middle East is extremely volatile…thanks to western interference…”
“Muslims are being persecuted in India by Hindus.”
“There is violence against muslims in Burma perpetrated by Budhists.”
“some of the worst violence was seen during communist regimes in Russia, China and Cambodia. They were atheists”
OK…so “the West” doesn't like Muslims..
Hindu’s don’t like Muslims..
Buddhists don’t like Muslims..
Russian ,Chinese & Cambodian atheists don’t like Muslims.
Just a thought here….. I don’t suppose its ever occurred to you that the fault/cause/reason might actually be with the Muslims.
(Just an aside … you missed out one of the standard theists list of Atheist states.
You missed out Nazi Germany ….
But then ,don’t I remember something about Muslims being courted by the fascists to try to boost their numbers ?
But then authoritarian religions have often exhibited a fondness for the guys in black uniforms.)
“And then your take on my use of the phrase; “Science of hadith”.”
Indeed … attaching the word “science” to the use of the Hadith jars very much with me…. How ever the Hadiths are read their reading is more akin to divination or interpretation than science. Particularly as there are so many “manufactured” ,false and “unreliable” accounts.
I will ,if you permit ,pass , on your generous offer of debating the Hadiths.
I have in mind more pressing questions I’d like to put to you ….. but those are for a later time ,hopefully. Once I am again master of my own time.
Just got one word in on the OP and: Nope I would not believe that at all!
Every religion was created out of mythology and this includes the beliefs of Muslims as well. Satan is nothing but the Roman god Saturn who was created out of the Greek god Coronus. Also Allah or Jehovah was created out of the Roman god Jove or Jupiter who was adapted from Greek god called Zeus.
Even the so called founders of monotheism which were Abraham and Sarah were copied from the Indian Mythology characters of Brahma and Saraswati.
Therefore, are you saying that context should never be invoked in understanding a text? What would you say if I picked out this line from your post – “I argue that quran is not preaching violence...” and told you, thanks for arguing in favor of me, would that be acceptable to you?
Of course not. You would tell me that I am quoting out of context because that was not your argument, but mine which you were only cutting and pasting. Right?
That’s why i say context is important in understanding any text. You can’t question the very use of context in interpreting a text. You can only question if the alleged context is valid or not.
If you say the context I am giving is wrong, you will have to show me how. This holds true to not just atheists, but muslims or anybody else who attribute a particular meaning to any verse in the quran.
Therefore, showing examples of people who have understood a verse in a particular sense is not good enough... show me how they have arrived at that interpretation and I will show why that interpretation is wrong.
This is basic common sense. If Maoists interpret the communist ideology in a violent manner, would that mean communism is violent ideology? People of religion mostly don’t like the communist ideology, and would like to attribute violence to communism. Therefore, that would make all people of religion plus atheists (maoists) who think communism is violent. This would be a huge majority of people who interpret communism in violent terms... does that make it true?
Your argument that athiests and some muslims see violence in the quran... and therefore there must be some truth in it... is only like my example above.
You have conceded that verse 2:216 does not say anything about war for the sake of islamic rule. So do you agree there are no verses that exhort fighting for power? Or give me proof.
And then you say that sura 107 is not harsh enough. Look at it from the point of a believer. When God says, “Woe” we take it extremely seriously. And the sura asks, “Have you seen the one who rejects religion? He is the one who repels the orphan and doesn’t feed the hungry.”
As a believer, it sends shivers down my spine that i shall be considered by god as a rejecter of his religion when i don’t feed the hungry or care for the orphan. This is extremely harsh, for me. When you look at Quran as the rantings of a mortal, yes, you would not find it harsh.
And then you say that you didn’t find the wordings “Irrespective of faith” in the sura. When the sura keeps the condition open, “feed the hungry and care for the orphan,” and doesn’t specify anywhere in the entire sura (CONTEXT) that it’s talking only about Muslims, it has to be understood that it’s about all the orphans and the hungry. Why... it’s not only irrespective of faith, but also color, nationality, gender or what have you.
If you argue that it is ‘respective of faith’ then show me how... from the CONTEXT.
And then you accused me of downplaying the bellicose verses. As explained above, I am not downplaying or playing up any one verse over the other. I am only saying understand each verse in its right context.
And then you said why “YOU THINK” the early caliphs left the christians alone. I don’t have to accept your opinions... give proofs.
Yes, christians were a majority in Egypt before Islam. Today, they are a minority. So, it’s obvious that they have converted in vast numbers. Does that mean they were forcibly converted? If you say so, then give your proofs.
Islam (weather you like it or not) has attracted people in all ages, including today. Today, the largest muslim population in the world is in Indonesia. Which Islamic army went there? Islam is spreading, even as you talk, in the US and Europe... and this despite all the negative press it is getting, thanks to efforts of people like you. Is anybody forcing them to convert? If not, then why are they converting?
So, Islam’s power to influence the hearts of people is a fact. This is what happened in Egypt too.
And today, there are 8 million of them, which is 10% of the population. A sizeable number. And to think this minority was spared by blood thirsty muslims... in spite of 3 centuries of crusades... i am sure you must be well aware of the attrocities perpetrated by crusaders against Muslims... when the coptics could have easily become the target of Muslim rage... it’s surprising no such thing happened.
And then you said about Jizya. Jizya is a tax for non Muslims, because they are exempt from Zakat. Which is Muslim tax. Therefore, there is taxation for both.
I didn’t understand your points about pious and intelligent muslim warriors... and what you meant by “causing disruptions in their own realms.” When you clarify it, I will answer that.
And then about persecution complex. I raised the examples of budhists, hindus and communists... only to show that no group (religious or atheists) is exempt from violence. Violence seems to be part of human nature... and so to blame it all on a particular scripture is unfair.
However, like so many other groups in the world, muslims in many parts of the world are being persecuted. That’s a fact. If what’s happening to Palestinians at the hands of zionists, supported by the US, is not persecution, then what is?
And to bill it as ‘persecution complex’ is misrepresenting.
You said about muslims joining fascist. Yes. And it should only be seen as the blunder of state in a geopolitically expedient situation... didn’t communists align with capitalist west... does that mean that their ideologies are the same?
Science of hadith.... i had explained to you what i mean by science of hadith... it’s the commonly used phrase to indicate ‘methodology of analyzing hadith.”
You have repeated your assertions of hadith being divinations and interpretations... but as you have not furnished any proof or explanation for your claims... and since you have postponed my offer for a debate on the subject to a later date for more pressing questions... i don’t think there’s anything to reply there.
“Therefore, are you saying that context should never be invoked in understanding a text?”
No … I’m saying context should not “automatically” be invoked.
“That’s why i say context is important in understanding any text.”
True , it can be important but being open to subjectivity it should never be used on its own.
“Therefore, showing examples of people who have understood a verse in a particular sense is not good enough... show me how they have arrived at that interpretation and I will show why that interpretation is wrong.”
“show me how they have arrived at that interpretation”
and you can explain just how this could be possible ????
You might want to consider that if it were possible for me to read the minds of men in such a way … it would be me you would be genuflecting to.
And if this was indeed possible , all you could show me would be how their interpretation differs from your interpretation.
“Your argument that athiests and some muslims see violence in the quran... and therefore there must be some truth in it...”
But there is truth in it …
if only as much as some atheists and some Muslims DO see violence in the Quran.
“You have conceded that verse 2:216 does not say anything about war for the sake of islamic rule. So do you agree there are no verses that exhort fighting for power? “
“do you agree there are no verses that exhort fighting for power?”
No …certainly not.
“Or give me proof.”
Ok…try these…2.191-193 4.76 4.104 8.12 8.15 8.39 8.67 8.59 8.65 etc.
I have to admit that here I am conflating “the way of Allah” with “Ummah Wahiddan” … which I am sure you will reject …but I stand by my take on it.
“And then you say that you didn’t find the wordings “Irrespective of faith” in the sura.”
“If you argue that it is ‘respective of faith’ then show me how... from the CONTEXT.”
“From the CONTEXT”
Well …that’s going to be difficult….
Because from your argument …the Quran apparently means things it doesn’t actually say .(irrespective of faith)
While at the same time saying things it doesn’t actually mean. (It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land.)
Any way all is going well until this point where you seem to fall prey to your latent persecution complex…
“Yes, christians were a majority in Egypt before Islam. Today, they are a minority. So, it’s obvious that they have converted in vast numbers. Does that mean they were forcibly converted? If you say so, then give your proofs.”
Two points here …1/ I never mentioned here or elsewhere forcible conversions …. Sorry to disappoint.
2/ as to giving proofs …I would suggest it is you who needs to prove your unsupported assertion that the Copts converted in massive numbers rather that just migrating around the neighbouring states or simply slowly dying out naturally.
“So, Islam’s power to influence the hearts of people is a fact.” ..
Is it ? …That too looks like unsupported assertion.
“And to think this minority was spared by blood thirsty muslims” ..
indeed ..but that too is a phrase I don’t recall using.
“I didn’t understand your points about pious and intelligent muslim warriors... and what you meant by “causing disruptions in their own realms.” When you clarify it, I will answer that.”
Well what I meant by “pious and intelligent muslim warriors “ is that these guys ,especially the three named were both erm…. Pious and Intelligent. … Not sure how else I could phrase it…
ie Nur ad din managed to unite a disparate and suspicious group of Muslim states into a coherent whole ,imposing a single unified policy. This at a time when the Muslims own mutual suspicions and distrust of each others motives had allowed the Crusader victory and led to the fall of Jerusalem.
Ie Salahuddin’s mastery of warfare and diplomacy held together the Muslims in the face of adversity and waited until circumstances were right for the defeat of the Crusaders. He studied their weakness ,he knew their strengths … The battle at the Horns of Hattin was a masterpiece in anybodies book.
His only failure was Arsuf and that was no fault of his but his undisciplined cavalry … under normal circumstances this would not have been catastrophic ….but unfortunately he was up against Couer de Lion who knew how to use “heavy horse” to exploit a mistake.
No there was no ulterior motive in my post on this point.
“And to bill it as ‘persecution complex’ is misrepresenting.”
And yet you responded to my posts exactly as if I was “persecuting “ you ???
Again you make my point for me.
“You have repeated your assertions of hadith being divinations and interpretations... but as you have not furnished any proof or explanation for your claims”
You are of course correct …..
in response I can only point you to the introduction to Authentication of Hadith ,Redefining the Criteria. By Israr Ahmad Khan.
Where the author outlines the problems with what he calls “targeted forgeries” designed not just to corrupt the message of the faith but to bolster political , sectarian and even economic traditions.
As I only recently have this on my lap top and have not as yet read it I would not willingly commit to a discussion on such shifting sands.
You will note I ignore your ad-hom against "people like me" fomenting negative press..... while completely ignoring the actions of your co-religionists in deliberately courting press coverage by the most uncivilised , savage and barbaric means possible.
So, show me how I invoked context “automatically”... whatever you mean by that. For example, take the verse you quoted in your post. Sura 2:191.
2:191: “And slay them wherever you catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; For persecution is worse than slaughter; But fight them not at the sacred mosque, unless they fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward for those who reject faith.”
This verse is talking about a certain “them”. It is also talking about some “persecution”. What is all this about? Anybody reading this verse would obviously need more clarification.
And when you start reading from verse 2:190, you will get more clarification. It says: “Fight in the cause of Allah, those who fight you. But do not transgress limits; For Allah loveth not transgressors.”
Ah... there you get it. It is talking about those who fight you... not some innocent bystander.
Now, let me ask you Watchman. Do you think I am invoking context here in some disingenuous way? Is it some workaround I am contriving against what is obvious? Anybody with a modicum of rationality would say that I am doing the right thing by invoking context. The context makes it clear that Allah is asking believers to fight people who are persecuting you.
Moving on.... when I asked you to tell me how they arrived at that interpretation, you responded like it’s an impossible task because I am asking you to read the minds of people.
You seem to be totally unaware of the Islamic methodology for the validity of any action. You have to produce your proofs for everything. Therefore, even Osama Bin Laden would have to bring his proof from the scriptures, and explain how he is interpreting them. He can’t just call his followers to go and kill others without justifying it from scripture.
To shed more light on the subject for your benefit, let me explain a little more. In fact these terrorist groups accept that you are not supposed to kill innocent non-Muslims and that you should fight only those who persecute you.
But then they say that every American is a persecutor of Muslims, because they have voted in their governments which is making war on muslims. This argument is so flimsy, though. (Right now, I am not going to demonstrate how that interpretation is wrong on a scriptural basis. Because we would be deviating too far from our topic).
What I am saying is that they have an explanation, which can be critiqued on a logical basis. We are not talking about some inexplicable mental processes, when we say interpretation.
And if in that manner, you can tell me how they interpret what they say, I can not only show you how mine differs, but also show why theirs is wrong.
And then you have simply re-asserted your claim of violence in quran without attempting to show the logical fallacy in the example i gave about religionists and maoists, who interpret communism as violent. The case of atheists and some muslims interpreting quran violently is akin to that. Or show me how it is different.
And as proof for Allah exhorting war for islamic rule, you gave some verses. None of them talk of establishing rule. But if you insist on looking it through the lens of Ummah Wahiddan interpretation, bring that method of interpretation, and i will disprove it. You just saw how 2:191 , when put in its context, is talking about fighting persecutors.
Then about context of ‘irrespective of faith.’ I think, I have demonstrated how you can prove your interpretation from the context. If the verse in question is generally talking about feeding the hungry, and if the context is not about hungry muslims, then it should mean ‘irrespective of faith.’
No... I am not saying Quran apparently means things it doesn’t say... you need context to know the meaning of not just quran but any text in the world.
Moreover, you have not responded to my point on ‘this verse being harsh for a believer.’ Can i assume you have conceded that point to me?
And then about the Coptic Christians.
You agree there were no forcible conversions. I agree too.
About bringing proofs. The one bringing the charge is the one who should produce the proof. If you say I stole your wallet, you have to bring the proof, and not expect me to prove my innocence. So, if you are saying that the christians were under some kind of persecution which made them migrate... the burden of proof is on you.
If you don’t have proof, then it means there was no migration. I don’t have to prove there was no migration.
And then the other alternative you gave was “naturally died out.” What does that mean? The only way a religion or culture can naturally die out is when its adherents gradually get assimilated into other cultures or religions. This means conversion.
Now, if you don’t want to accept that christians migrated in massive numbers, that’s fine with me. As long as you accept that there was no persecution or force... I am okay with it. In the context of this debate that’s good enough for me. In what numbers they converted, for me, is really inconsequential.
Proof that Islam is attracting people. Many news channels have already been reporting on the high rate of conversions among brits and Americans to Islam. The Guiness Book of World Records named Islam as the religion attracting the most number of converts among all religions.
(I will give you proof for both these examples in my next post... as I don’t have time today to search it out... Sorry... but i promise I will give the proof for both).
And then about the poius and intelligent warrios... i have no problem with what you said. Yes, there were among Muslim warriors who were intelligent and smart... yea. I agree.
About hadith.... yes... you are right ... there were forgeries... and the science of hadith is the methodology of spotting them. It’s an extremely effective science to sift the fakes from the authentic ones.
Perhaps when you read the book by Israr Ahmed... you might gain a better understanding. You can also read a more recent book by Jonathan A C Brown... called “Hadith” which gives a very detailed exposition on the various studies that have been undertaken on this subject... including HCM (Historical Critical Method)... which is mainly about orientalism.
“…but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward for those who reject faith.”
“The context makes it clear that Allah is asking believers to fight people who are persecuting you.”
“Do you think I am invoking context here in some disingenuous way?”
No , … oddly enough I don’t.
“Is it some workaround I am contriving against what is obvious?”
No … indeed … in fact you have confirmed that Islam is not a religion of peace.
Thank you....
And just a further point ….
You said “Allah is asking believers to fight …”
But I see no request ….in fact it smacks of an order… a command.
But I guess Gods can be a bit like that...
“the Islamic methodology for the validity of any action. You have to produce your proofs for everything.”
Really ? Really ??? everything ????
Forgive me , but I don’t believe you.
Can you offer your proofs ?
“If the verse in question is generally talking about feeding the hungry, and if the context is not about hungry muslims, then it should mean ‘irrespective of faith.’”
Should it ? then why does it not actually say so ???
“No... I am not saying Quran apparently means things it doesn’t say..”
Well …actually you are…
“you have not responded to my point on ‘this verse being harsh for a believer.’ Can i assume you have conceded that point to me?”
Why not …. I myself cannot conceive of being “afraid” of an imaginary being…but if that’s how your faith makes you feel …then go for it.
“And then about the Coptic Christians.”
“You agree there were no forcible conversions.”
Not sure I did agree that ….
In fact the only mention made of it was from yourself ,followed by me correcting your attempted misdirection….but I don’t propose to make a big thing of it here.
“I don’t have to prove there was no migration.”
Just as well really…..
“NGO report: 93,000 Copts left Egypt since March”
“Gabriel attributed the Coptic emigration to hardline Salafi groups seeking to apply Islamic law, deny Copts senior government posts, and reduce incoming tourism. He also blamed attacks on Coptic churches and the government's failure to bring attackers to justice.”
Link: http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/ngo-report-93000-copts-left-egypt-m...
“Why Copts leave”
“The issue of migration has not always figured prominently within the Coptic Church as it really began in the 1950s as part of the movement for Egyptian nationalism (Chaillot 2009:207). In the latter decades of the previous century, the diaspora largely resulted from economic and political oppression in Egypt as well as from Muslim persecution that increased in the 1970s (Meinardus 1999:129, 207).”
Link: http://www.hts.org.za/index.php/HTS/article/view/2061/4659#4
“Proof that Islam is attracting people “The Guiness Book of World Records named Islam as the religion attracting the most number of converts among all religions.” ….
Yup …I got to the same Wiki page myself…. Did you catch the next paragraph though……
“According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, the fastest-growing denomination in Islam is Ahmadiyya with a growth rate of 3.25%. Most other sects have a growth rate of less than 3%.”
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_of_religion
I like the way you keep your answers short… but they are coming at the cost of clarity. Frankly, I didn’t understand what you mean by your replies on the issue of context.
May be, it might help if you took the example I quoted. Verse 2:190… and told me how my application of context to understand its meaning is wrong. Also, in your earlier post, you said one shouldn’t invoke context “automatically.” What do you mean by that?
And about Allah’s command. You are right, God doesn’t request, but He commands.
About proofs in Islam. Please be clear about what you are asking. You said “can you offer proofs?” Tell me for what you need proof, and I will provide them.
Then you asked why the verse on feeding the hungry doesn’t spell out “irrespective of faith.”
It’s common sense that when there is NO clause that restricts meaning, the sentence has to be understood in generic terms. If I say Africans are dark skinned… it simply means all African… I don’t have to say “All Africans irrespective of region, creed, tribe etc.” The hungry… simply means all those who are hungry.
If you argue that the verse in question is restrictive of religion, tell me how?
On “verse not being harsh.” Yes… any verse in the quran is of any consequence only to believers. To dismiss it as “if your faith makes you feel so… then go for it” is baseless… after all it was you who raised the issue.
About Coptic Christians. Once again you are providing proofs of the kind which I had dismissed already. These are only the odd cases in the long 1400-year history of Islam. If persecution had been the norm… in 1400 years… the coptics should have disappeared not just from Egypt but the entire Islamic caliphate.
It only shows that as a rule Muslims never interpreted the verses in question as you do.
About Guiness Book…. Good you found the proof yourself… so I don’t have to waste time hunting for it.
But then about Ahmediyas spreading the fastest, you quoted from Christian encyclopedia… that’s questionable… because they have an agenda. In fact, here is what Wikipedia has to say about this site: “However, the work has been described as serving as "an informational undergirding for Christian missionary work".[2]
He was referring to this type of use of context:
Sorry if my brevity strains your understanding ... but I am a little pushed at present ...as well as collating for a more in depth thread I have planned for after all the unpleasantness of Christmas is over.
But I'll try to kep this thread going.... as you are so insistent....
Verse 2.190 -191 .....
This is , is it not , a verse used to imply the defensive characteristic of Islam ...."but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors."
And yet its true context (as you are so keen on context) is that Mohammed is exhorting his followers to advance on Mecca.
True he tries to justify the breaking of the "no attacking " rule by claiming dispensation on the grounds that the Meccans were trying to exclude the Muslims from Mecca.....
BUT when push comes to shove....Its the Muslims who are going on the attack.
I said I did not believe your assertion ," “the Islamic methodology for the validity of any action. You have to produce your proofs for everything.”
and I asked for proof.
"It’s common sense that when there is NO clause that restricts meaning, the sentence has to be understood in generic terms. "
NO ...no it isn't.....
"If I say Africans are dark skinned… it simply means all African… I don’t have to say “All Africans irrespective of region, creed, tribe etc.”
No but you should mention those Africans of lighter complexion. Ethiopians , White South Africans ,the Boers ,a few Zimbabweans etc. or your statement that ALL Africans are dark skinned becomes a lie.
It was your post on the 16/12/14 that first raised 107...
and then on the 18/12/14 you added ....
"As a believer, it sends shivers down my spine that i shall be considered by god as a rejecter of his religion when i don’t feed the hungry or care for the orphan."
(Just to help you out....Its ok....there is no god.... yours nor any one elses ....so stop worrying about being punished ...just do the right thing [feed the hungry] for its own sake ... not for fear of any punishment nor in hopes of any reward)
The Copts....no you did not "dismiss any proofs" you failed to mention anything at all...just an assertion....hence I posted proofs because.......? well one of us had to.
"It only shows that as a rule Muslims never interpreted the verses in question as you do."
No...it shows that occasionally SOME Muslims do.
Finally regarding the Wiki Info....
Undoubtedly the Christian Encyclopedia has an "agenda".... (
Although the only specific claim I can find is that they overestimate Christian numbers ... there does not seem to be any claim of underestimating or otherwise "fiddleing" the figures for Islam.)
Just as the Guiness Book of Records has...... Selling Stouts & Ales...
and Just as both the Quran and the Hadiths have ,marketing a faith.?
At least stouts and ales are worth purchasing.
Sorry if my post persuaded you for a reply during your crunch times… you could have taken your time… i would have waited.
Your reply to verse 2:190…
You seem to be caught up in another misunderstanding about Islam. There is no such thing as a “no attack” rule. What it says is that you can fight (in attack or in defense) in order to eliminate injustice such as persecution and so on.
If you have been thrown out of your homes unjustly… you can fight (attack) to regain your lost rights. But that’s it… “Allah loveth not aggressors” beyond that.
I don’t think that it is unjust to fight for your rights by any standards.
Next… you said you don’t believe my assertion on the need for proof for validity of any action in Islam.
I am surprised that you are not aware of it. In fact it is such a basic thing in Islam that it’s one of the very few things that every group of every color and stripe agree unanimously. Proofs.
Why do you think the Science of Hadith developed in the first place? Because nothing gets accepted without proof.
Since you have asked for proof for the need for proof, here it is:
Quran 4:59 says that if Muslims disagree over anything it should be referred to Allah and his Messenger.
The best way to settle a dispute is to show a how Quran or hadith views it… that’s what we mean by proof.
Next.... about the example of dark skinned Africans.
I found your argument on this devious. You are picking the logical fallacy in the example I gave. Yes, there may be Africans of lighter skins… but if I said “Africans have dark skin” and don’t add any restrictive clauses, then it should be understood as all Africans. May be that’s a logically wrong statement… but linguistically it should mean all Africans.
If your teacher told you, “distribute these sweets to your classmates…” would you assume that he only meant students in the back row, or students who are Christians or whatever? No. Because, if your teacher does not specifically restrict the meaning, it should be understood to mean all students in your class. Common sense.
Next... about sura 107.
I gave the example of this sura to point out that quran has verses of mercy and kindness… and harshly condemns those who don’t show these qualities.
And then you said, it’s really not that harsh. That’s when I demonstrated to you how it is harsh from a believer’s point of view. For which your response was a tongue-in-cheek comment about the belief. This was sort of shifting the goals posts. Because it diverts from the ‘harshness’ angle, which was at the core of that discussion.
Next… your good intentioned advice to me on stop worrying about punishment…
But we know man is inherently selfish… he needs very high levels of motivation if he has to be made to do things that don’t benefit him. If you have to make a man part with his money – to help the poor or for whatever reason – he needs a strong motivation. Belief in the hereafter gives that motivation.
If I don’t believe in God, why should I feed the hungry? Give me a reason.
Next... about copts
You didn’t respond to the principle I stated, “the one bringing the charge has to bring the proof too.” This is an accepted standard in any court in the world. Don’t you agree? Then, you are the one who is bringing the charge against islam… you should prove it too.
So you are not being generous by bringing the proof. That was your obligation.
However, your proof doesn’t stand the scrutiny… it’s not showing that any caliph had undertaken persecution as a state policy… only some odd events in our current times by some groups.
It doesn’t answer the moot questions: how come the coptics survived centuries of persecution (if there was such a thing) and still continue to live in huge numbers (8 million) in Egypt, and millions more in other Muslim lands?
Doesn’t that clearly show that persecution was not the norm? And the examples you are showing are only the exceptions.
Next… about Wiki info…
If you know anything about Christian evangelism, they consider Islam their biggest enemy… it has been going on since crusades… and misinformation about islam is one of their main methods. Quran attacks their beliefs straightforward… which obviously may not go down well with them… they have an axe to grind against Islam.
While Guinness books… I don’t have any reasons to believe have any ulterior gains by supporting Islam? So, to the extent about conversions… I think you can trust them.
BTW… I am going on a short vacation, until New Year… so I will be offline for the next few days… so no hurries in sending your reply… take your time… enjoy your holidays.
I disagree about man being so inherently selfish that we "need very strong motivation" to care about other people. Some of the most charitable and philanthropic people in the world are godless heathens with no other discernible motivation for feeding the hungry than an earnest desire to help their fellow man, I think you underestimate and diminish mankind's empathy and compassion quite badly in your assertion on this point. Time and time again I see people of all backgrounds with many religions or none banding together to help there fellow man, not because of divine mandate or reward/punishment, but because we are a species of compassionate and caring creatures.