Why are you an Atheist or a Christian?

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ex-christian_atheist's picture
Why am I an atheist? Simply

Why am I an atheist? Simply because the burden of proof is on the claimant, and the burden of proof has not been met. That is the only necesarry requirement for rejection of a claim.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Most of us here don't go

Most of us here don't go running to god to explain mysteries we can't figure out...

mysticrose's picture
Excuse me fro dropping by, I

Excuse me fro dropping by, I'm not an atheist nor Christian. I simply want to live my life without thinking too much about the existence of god or doing something to prove one side.

ChildofGod's picture
No but God points us in the

No but God points us in the direction we need to go in order to find out the answer to all of our questions

Mythlover's picture
Let me recommend the debate

Let me recommend the debate "why is it not this simple?" Started by matthjar. I feel like some very good points are made in that discussion, if you are truly interested how something could come from nothing.

Mythlover's picture
At this point in time it is

At this point in time it is on page 2.

Steve's picture
From the OP: "Atheist believe

From the OP: "Atheist believe that everything came from the Big Bang, well scientists explain to us that in the beginning there was nothing and in the flash of a light we had the universe..."

It's not a case of what anyone 'believes'. The Big Bang just happens to be the current 'best fit' explanation based on theoretical and observational evidence for how the Universe came into being (incidentally, the notion that the Universe was somehow empty and the Big Bang occurred in this void is, as far as I know, also a misrepresentation of this best fit. The way I've understood it is that the Universe was created along with the Big Bang).

This is the beauty of the scientific process - this is exactly how it works. If a new 'explanation' is subsequently postulated and this provides a better fit to account for the beginning of the Universe, then the old ideas will be left behind. Forget cosmology for a minute, consider how other sciences have evolved (and continue to become more accurate) through this very same process. It's why we don't sacrifice children to ensure the sun rises each morning anymore, or why doctors don't prescribe leeches to treat infections that can be cleared up in a few days with antibiotics.

One need only contrast religious 'certainty' with the scientific process to clearly see that, in fact, it's not scientists who claim to 'know' everything, but the clerics and religion.

ChildofGod's picture
But thats like saying that if

But thats like saying that if i had an empty jar filled with nothingness and wait some what years i will end up with a universe in that jar. Most sceintists are Atheists because they do not want to believe that God created everything that we have now. They also say that we descend from apes, ok how did that evolution happen? because before man, according to scientists, there were dinosaurs, apes, fish, etc... how did man come to be on this Earth? If it wasnt for God like stated in Genesis, there wouldnt be an us to live on this planet

CyberLN's picture
CoG, if you are going to

CoG, if you are going to argue about science, you should learn a bit about it first.

ChildofGod's picture
i know all i need to about

i know all i need to about science to know that its just a bunch of lies scientists tell us to question the existence of God, they try to put things in our heads that say "oh well this happened because dust particles were moving at a rapid pace which then became hot enough to create a big bang which then also led to the creation of the universe" in the Bible it states "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... He said "let there be light (sun)" Let there be space between the waters to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth" that makes more sense than what we are told by scientists

CyberLN's picture
"i know all i need to about

"i know all i need to about science to know that its just a bunch of lies scientists tell us to question the existence of God"

Obviously you know next to nothing about any branch of science.

Kataclismic's picture
I usually read all posts

I usually read all posts before attacking but I couldn't get past this one. Science is all just lies? The electronics you use everyday are in your life because of science. I couldn't even be reading your ignorant post if it weren't for the science that allows you to input into your device and transfer it to my computer. I am offended. If god is so knowledgeable why didn't he just tell us how the sun works? We wouldn't have to waste our time trying to figure it out and could spend more of it grovelling at his feet.

ChildofGod's picture
but i do. i know all that i

but i do. i know all that i need to

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
that is what every one says

that is what every one says before he realizes that he does actually need it.

Mythlover's picture
Look, ChildofGod, if you do

Look, ChildofGod, if you do not even LOOK into science, you cannot argue effectively because we know things that you don't. Research a little bit before throwing out things you have only heard. Many theists now agree that evolution is real. Right now you don't have basically anything against atheism except for misinterpreted facts. If your goal is to convert us, it would be much more effective if you understood the logic behind us. If your goal is to strengthen your belief by confirming how ridiculous we are for not sharing it, you need to have a deeper understanding. If you don't care about learning more, well, this is a debate room. It is kind of the goal to learn more and try to convince each other.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
well said

well said

ChildofGod's picture
Like i stated before this "he

Like i stated before this "he" is actually a she. and i did/do look into science just to figure out why Atheists believe that science made us and made everything in this universe but not only that to figure out why you guys try to disprove that there is no God.

CyberLN's picture
I have the same interest in

I have the same interest in disproving your gawd as I have in disproving unicorns and fairies. You, CoG, are the one making the assertion. The burden of proof is on you. And what you have provided so far in no way constitutes even a smidgen of proof.

ChildofGod's picture
for all you know they do

for all you know they do exist, thats not for us to decide its for God to decide and spelling God's name thae way you did, is a sign of disrespect to the Christian faith, im just letting you know now. You can believe what you want but as quickly as God made this world and everything in it he is also quick to destroy it (no that is not a threat its what us theists know)

CyberLN's picture
"spelling God's name thae

"spelling God's name thae (sic)way you did, is a sign of disrespect to the Christian faith, im (sic) just letting you know now (sic)"

CoG, I have no respect for the xtian faith.

ChildofGod's picture
i can clearly see that... why

i can clearly see that... why is that if i may ask

CyberLN's picture
Because I think religion

Because I think religion ruins things, not just xtianity, all of them ruin things.

ChildofGod's picture
be more specific please

be more specific please

CyberLN's picture
The list is entirely too long

The list is entirely too long to post here. Read "God Is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens. You'll get a pretty good list in it.

Mythlover's picture
I am glad that you do look

I am glad that you do look into science. It is important to understand both sides of a debate to be effective. That being said, I must point out some of the assumptions you made earlier "But thats like saying that if i had an empty jar filled with nothingness and wait some what years i will end up with a universe in that jar." Again, check out the debate 'Why is it not this simple.' The whole conversation is very good and addresses this subject from various points of view. "Most sceintists are Atheists because they do not want to believe that God created everything that we have now." This is an unfounded assumption. Why would scientists not want to believe that God created everything? Is it because they would feel impotent under God's all mighty power? Or.... what? I am trying to understand that, because I do not think it is a matter of want. "They also say that we descend from apes, ok how did that evolution happen? because before man, according to scientists, there were dinosaurs, apes, fish, etc... how did man come to be on this Earth? If it wasnt for God like stated in Genesis, there wouldnt be an us to live on this planet" In actuality, we came from ape-like creatures, not apes. Life on Earth is very diverse, and constantly changing, even now. Honestly, if you continue to believe in your religion, that is all wonderful, if it makes you happy. However, if you are to debate, you should have a fairly solid understanding of science. This is EXTREMELY important if you wish to disprove it, because you cannot disprove something by saying that it is just a bunch of lies, without understanding the whole story. Let me compare your assertion to claiming that somebody is guilty of a crime without knowing any of the facts. Sure, you may THINK that they are guilty, as you THINK that science is just a bunch of lies, and perhaps you are even correct (Although, in my opinion, you are not). However, unless you have the facts, you will never know for sure. This website may be useful to you in the future, please read it.: http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/misconceptions_faq.php.

Precipice's picture
Where is the proof? There's

Where is the proof? There's no evidence that God exists, let alone the God Christians claim exists. Even if you look at logical arguments for the existence of a god, the most convincing by far being the kalam cosmological argument, the furthest it can reach is the existence of an "entity" not bound by space or time. How do you make a giant leap from a timeless entity to an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, omnipresent and omniscient god? That's faith for you.

Not all atheists believe everything came for the Big Bang, FYI. We just aren't sure. There's nothing wrong with saying "I don't know" instead of filling the gaps with "God did it". Also, atheism isn't saying "a god doesn't exist"; it's merely a lack of belief in a god. Just because I don't believe in a god, doesn't mean I'm striking away the possibility of there maybe being one.

Facts from the bible? Yeah, there are - how people in that era lived their lives in the middle of a desert. Other than that, no. Maybe a guy called Jesus existed, but other than the Bible, there aren't any other corroborating historical texts that any of the stuff in the Bible happened.

ChildofGod's picture
But there is no proof that He

But there is no proof that He doesn't exist.

doniston's picture
Sir, or whatever you are, I

Sir, or whatever you are, I think your post is rather funny. I You referrer to yourself a child of God. I don't know,who, but It is certain that your father isn't God.

Lets start with the title of your post. Atheist or Christian????? what about all the other religions? don't they count at all?
All atheists don't believe that==, tho in my case I believe our "intermediate" start was a "little" big bang, coming as a quasar from the black hole which created the milky way, and in turn started the ball rolling,--- that's not a "nothing"
Christians, and many others believe God is responsible for everything, so do I. the difference is that my god is not a " person" god. but rather the phenominum known as nature. a natural "thing", not a person.
As for this comment (quote) For every "fact" science has, the Bible has a better counterargument (/quote) JUST PLAIN CRAPOLA.

ChildofGod's picture
My father is God. He is THE

My father is God. He is THE FATHER, THE SON, and THE HOLY SPIRIT.
if you believe in the big bang and if you believe in evolution, then please explain to me souls... why do we, humans, have them but nothing else does. let me rephrase it for you... why are humans the only living things with souls... everything else has a spirit but humans have both a spirit and a soul.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Well I would guess most of us

Well I would guess most of us (the atheists on this forum) don't think human beings have spirits or souls.

Hey if you are going to just make stuff up, by saying the human being has a soul, why not 2 souls? or 50?


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