the big lie: evolution, the beasts: darwin, hitler and nero.
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@Crist Almighty Re: "sorry the epithets are for you, i truly believe that, i never understood satanism"
One: Who the hell were you addressing?
Two: What the FUCK does that even mean?... *perplexed look*...
Sifting through their chicken scratch, I think they are trying to equate Satanism, the theory of evolution by natural selection, and atheism.
like what? if you see God, you believe?, you believe His law?
Xtian_g, I will iterate, when you are replying to someone here, it’s advisable you use their name. It reduces the potential for confusion.
Going to jump in here.
"Xtian_g, I will iterate, when you are replying to someone here, it’s advisable you use their name. It reduces the potential for confusion."
Yes exactly, Use The Person's Name, (Username).
First define your god ,then prove he exists------
Your purblind ignorance of and anti science stance makes you a fool as well as ignorant beyond the pale.
Really can't be bothered with you
@cristian_gavrilescu: When I see god I will believe. He can take his law and shove it up his ass. That amoral son of a bitch comes near me or my kids and I will do the same thing to him that you did to Jesus.
"Like what?"
This is a debate forum, people ask questions, you answer them to continue the debate.
I will ask you for a third time...
Do you have any objective evidence that your version of a god exists?
doG yes, i have all i need, why is that?
"doG yes, i have all i need, why is that?"
I do not believe there is any objective evidence that a god exists in reality. I have searched for many years for even one bit of objective evidence, without success...
Are you sure you know the functional difference between subjective and objective evidences?
Care to share with us what objective evidence you have found that your version of a god exists?
do you need something from God?
good night, from europe
"do you need something from God?"
Are you responding to me? If so...
I need to discerne if god is real...and the only way to do that, is with objective evidence.
Hence why I asked you if you have any...and you responded that you do. I would like to know of your objective evidence that you claim to have of his existence...
I think that is where we are on our to share your objective evidence...because I don't think there is any.
I thought they were only letting prisoners out?!???
Who knew?
@cristian_gavrilescu Lord Jesus: " said to love your enemy and your neighbor. darwin is the opposite of Lord Jesus. "
AND WE HAVE A WINNER! DFCM! (Dumb Fuck Comment of the Month!
Human beings are social animals. A human in the wild does not have speed, armor, flight, poison, claws, fangs, climbing ability, swimming ability, or camouflage capabilities to avoid predators. A lone human is little more than a walking hamburger.
On the other hand. Put a group of humans together so that they can plan and act in unison and they become a force to contend with. Bonding is a survival characteristic of being human. Loving your neighbors, caring for one another, taking in an enemy and strengthening the gene poor after a conflict (learning to deal with and love an enemy) are all survival instincts that allowed human evolution to succeed. Were it not for our ability to bond, our species of human being would have become extinct, just like the other 7 species of humanoids.
Of course love your neighbor. What a dweeb. You don't actually thing your Bible is saying anything new do you?
@cristian_gavrilescu: Let's Play. I will give you...."Evolution is a complete lie. It is a crazy story made up by scientists with no basis in reality at all. You win."
Evolution has NOTHING to do with atheism. Evolution is a biological theory. You want to talk to a biologist.
Can you demonstrate any evidence at all for the existence of your God thing or the Creation idea? The fact that Evolution is "COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY WRONG" does not further your argument for a creator being in any way at all. This is basically called a "Strawman Fallacy." You are not addressing atheism or your own assertion that God and your Bible are worth listening to.
Your bible quotes are useless and I have no more reason to believe your babbling biblical bullshit than I have for listening to the questionable quackery or quaranic quotes. Why in the fuck should I listen to anything in your magical book of contradictions, and unsubstantiated claims?
The most interesting thing about the theory of evolution by natural selection; is how much the nutters hate it, and the ludicrous things they have to say about it.
Another Village has misplaced their idiot!
Fuck me, I can't take this level of ignorance much more.
LOL...stick around new, it will get better. :P
@Skeptic: 1 (800) CUP-O- NOG, Tin Man to the Rescue!
Let's open up that chest cavity and see what's there, hopefully some 18 year old scotch, and I don't even like hard alcohol.
@Cog Re: Eggnog
I hate to say it, but I'm afraid at this point even my eggnog isn't much help. At most, it MIGHT just barely be able to slightly dull the edge a wee bit. No guarantees, though. May end up having to take extreme measures and spike it with a healthy dose of thorazine.
God’s way of getting you to drink...
@Whitefire Re: To Skep - "God’s way of getting you to drink..."
...*puzzled look*... Who the hell needs a god to convince them to drink??? I handle that quite well ALLLLL on my own.
@cristian_gavrilescu: do you need something from God?
Yes please. Could you ask him to let me win the lottery. And maybe he could make my hair grow again, something like Ted Danson's hair in the "Good Place". And I'd like a bigger house and a better car.
And if god has time, could you ask him to stop wars and disease, eliminate slavery, and maybe even stop priests from raping children.
@Algebe Re: "Could you ask him to let me win the lottery. And maybe he could make my hair grow again..."
Hey, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. I spoke with god today, and he is totally swamped lately with the whole Corona thing. (I was put on hold for over six hours before I could even get through to his secretary... Sheesh!) Anyway, he said he is really sorry he can't answer your prayers right now, but he promised to get around to your requests sometime between now and the Rapture. Meanwhile, he wanted me to give you these... *handing over brown paper bag*... Inside you will find a convenience store scratch-off ticket indicating you won a dollar, and a really nice used toupee he directed me to at the thrift store. Oh, and he also wanted me to remind you that he works in mysterious ways. (He really does love using that ol' line whenever he gets the chance. He said it never gets old... *chuckle*...) So, uh, enjoy your gifts from god.
Thanks Tin-Man:
Did Big G's secretary say anything about the other things I mentioned, like slavery and child rape? Perhaps we could send a memo suggesting their inclusion in the next edition of the Ten Commandments. They could be slotted in instead of the one about coveting thy neighbor's ox's ass.
@Algebe Re: "Did Big G's secretary say anything about the other things I mentioned, like slavery and child rape?"
Oh, actually, yes. (Sorry, I forgot to tell you. Got distracted trying to talk the thrift store manager down on the toupee price. That bastard drives a hard bargain.) Bu, uh, yeah, anyway, I did mention it to Big Daddy. And his Words were, "Well, as much as I would love to change a few things in that area, I'm afraid the Ten Commandments are set in stone. So, my hands are really tied in being able to change them. Although, I do admit I have considered adding a few "amendments" to them over the centuries. Problem at the moment, though, is that I am totally flooded with prayers and requests about the upcoming MLB World Series. And don't even get me started on the NFL Super Bowl for 2021. The season ticket holders are the WORST!... Ugh! Look, though, just tell Algebe to be patient and I promise I will look into the matter the first chance I get."
So, hey, even if he can't do anything about those things right now, at least you know it is on his mind.
Edit to add: Re: "They could be slotted in instead of the one about coveting thy neighbor's ox's ass."
Oh, by the way, that is not a very nice thing to say about your neighbor's wife.
Evolution is a curious word. Its not an object but a process, a process implying change. Its not only nature that evolves.
Languages evolve. They acquire new words and lose old ones; the meaning of words change, sometimes to the very opposite meaning. "Naughty" in the Medieval Age once meant "goodly", there are thousands of examples of this and it happens naturally through continual usage.
Ideas, formed by words, also evolve. The idea of the evolution of animals has been changing ever since it was first formally identified by ancient Greek scholars 2,500 years ago. Differences brought about by animal husbandry was most likely realised and utilised when hunters became farmers and shepherds more than 6,000 years ago. "Evolutionary theory" just one hundred years ago is nothing like how it is defined today, because the means by which we can investigate and explore the world has changed dramatically in the last century due to unprecedented evolution in technology. Sadly the "divine love" of theists have demonised and heartily condemned, a single most mortal and humble human being, Charles Darwin, for identifying the manner in which evolution in nature works, a discovery which has directly led to the marvels of modern medical science that has improved the health and lives of far many more people than the superstitious power of prayer.
Religions are also subject to the powers of evolution. The ancient Jewish pantheon of El, Elohim, Baal, El Shaddai eventually evolved into YHWH around 2000 BC but was not declared the "only" god until around 500 BC during the Babylonian exile. From there to the time of Yeshua, the Jewish religion devolved into various exlcusive and intolerant sects all declaring their own pure interpretation of the one true god.
Christianity, has also been subject to the power of evolution. It has undergone tremendous changes. As the most striking and obvious example the Holy Roman Catholic Church we know today is nothing at all like the simple Jewish faith of the twelve Christian apostles 2,000 years ago. Yeshua was an itinerant rabbi teaching Mosaic Law, arguing for a humanitarian interpretation of that law. He supposedly called for toleration between Jews. He had little interest in Gentiles. We were the swine he warned against. He also prophesised the end of the world within a single generation of his time.
The end of the world did not come but no less than 40 years later, Paul reversed nearly all of Yeshua's supposedly eternal teachings on the basis of his purely personal visions, revelations and readings of scripture, Gentiles are no longer swine. No Mosaic Law, no circumcision, no special food restrictions. The Jewish heresy evolves into a Gentile religion and there are considerable changes of doctrine to follow, and not without accompanying bloody strife and mayhem. The apparent divinely inspired teachings of Yeshua becomes a mere earthly argument thrashed out between the perceptions of Arianism, Marcionism, Montanism, Donatism et al but by might of club and torch, not Holy Spirit, Catholicism emerges as the dominant species of faith.
Over the next 2000 years Catholicism produces quarrelsome offspring like Lutherans, Calvanists, Methodists, Baptists etc and today there are more than 45,000 Christian denominations each claiming divine understanding of the "single divine truth" and the nature, thoughts and intentions of both Jesus and God Almighty. Each denomination has survived according to the popularity, or enforcement, of its specific interpretations. More recently, in enlightened societies, believers frequently move between religions, seeking 'divine wisdom' preferable to transient lifestyle tastes while some start new churches based on purely personal revelations from a peculiarly self-divided and apparently schizophrenic Christian god.
And during all this time only one group has remained unchanged. Atheists, who still hold to one single idea; a rejection of the claim of the existence of gods on the basis of insufficient evidence.
Atheism is the purest form of tolerance. No atheist needs to believe in evolutionary theory, nor the 'truth' of the Periodic Table, nor the 'miracle' of quantum mechanics, nor the policies of the Nationalist Socialist Party nor in eugenics nor genocide. We simply deny the existence of gods on the basis of anectdotal testimomy. No wars have ever been fought in the name of Atheism.
And yet, atheists are still persecuted by mainstream religions in many countries; demonised, isolated, tortured and killed by followers of gods. Self proclaimed "divinely inspired keyboard warriors" like yourself, cristian, come to to forums like AR, not in the spirit they are invited, to discuss and exchange ideas, but to simply insult condemn and judge without reason, rationality, tolerance or that love you profess to worship.
We are already demons and devils in your mind. Jesus wept.
Your petulant preaching and demonising is more like the evolution of a virus than a sentient rational being.