Atheist Republic Consulates – Find & Meet Up With Atheists Near You

The Atheist Republic Consulates are headed by the Meetup Coordinators who plan and organize meetups as well as events in the cities they reside in with the goal of providing a sense of community for atheists. These meetups can be as simple as a few atheists meeting up for a discussion.

Are you looking for a group near you? Here's a list of all current Atheist Republic Consulates with links to their respective facebook groups. If your city is not available on the list below, start an Atheist Republic Consulate by applying as a meetup coordinator.

You can also join in on the discussions of our international atheist community on facebook by clicking on this link.

Can't Find One For Your Location? Start A New Consulate In Your City

Become a Meetup Coordinator at Atheist Republic

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Being in the atheist Republic has made me believe that there are humans out there who care about the way the world is in, and has given me moral support in being an atheist and thus enabling me to show my views on various issues.
I am truly glad that you guys are here to provide a haven to atheists, freethinkers and heathens everywhere. Keep up the good work! You are greatly appreciated for what you do. Thank you.
- Lisa York Cox
Vishank Singh
I belong to India, a place where religious compulsion has its own hue. Even after having many atheist friends, I have a special place for 'Atheist Republic' because here I get food for my inquisitive mind. I get new ideas about atheism, religion and faith over which I contemplate in order to derive certain rational conclusions about my position on faith and religion. I must say they are doing a wonderful job!

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