Atheist Republic Consulates – Find & Meet Up With Atheists Near You

The Atheist Republic Consulates are headed by the Meetup Coordinators who plan and organize meetups as well as events in the cities they reside in with the goal of providing a sense of community for atheists. These meetups can be as simple as a few atheists meeting up for a discussion.

Are you looking for a group near you? Here's a list of all current Atheist Republic Consulates with links to their respective facebook groups. If your city is not available on the list below, start an Atheist Republic Consulate by applying as a meetup coordinator.

You can also join in on the discussions of our international atheist community on facebook by clicking on this link.

Can't Find One For Your Location? Start A New Consulate In Your City

Become a Meetup Coordinator at Atheist Republic

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Am from ethiopia where a christianity is dominant...I have been an atheist for a few years now but I have never had any one I can talk to about it. My entire family are christians and when I bring it up, they get mad at me and try and convert me back to a christian. It always ends up in a fight between me and my religion freak family. Thanks AR for your greatest community.
- John Alpha
I have always been agnostic I guess.. I have always reasoned each and every act people do in name of their God and Religion. But I could never debate with Believers because I couldn't find enough points to describe how I feel, AR has helped me with enough facts to challenge the Religious evils present
- DocAedy
Having be surrounded and surrounded by people that look down on me of my disbelief, AR is the one place where that doesn't occur. I am very lucky to have a family that excepts me and a father that agrees with me, but it does still get kind of lonely being constantly told either "I'm going to hell" or "I'll pray for you Turner". Atheist Republic is freedom from all of the chained up minds of the bible, and I thank all who participate to make it what it is today. (:
- Turner Sutton

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