President Trump has announced new measures for protection of religious prayer and worship in public schools.
Quebec is going to abolish a course in schools called “Ethics and Religious Culture” because it gives too much importance and attention to religion.
President Trump spoke at Miami based church rallying his evangelical base and claiming that God is "on our side."
Do people expect from each other what they would do unto them? A study says ‘Yes’.
Demonstrations are happening all across India against the new citizenship law which makes religion a criterion for nationality.
The “Fairness for All Act” bill was introduced; a Christian-supported bill that should protect LGBTQ people — but it doesn’t.
After Ravi Kumar added ‘atheist’ to his name, he started fighting for a certificate that confirms his atheism and got one; now he is asked to return it.
Two parents challenged compulsory religious worship in school assembly and enable a secular alternative in Burford primary school.
The “Ohio Student Religious Liberties Act of 2019” would prohibit public schools from penalizing students for work that contains religious beliefs.
After the adoption of new rule, foster care and adoption agencies would be allowed to exclude on religious grounds.