Canada's new census has shown that Canadians are losing their religious affiliations.
According to the 2021 Census of Population released by Statistics Canada, 12,577,475 out of the 36,328,480, roughly 35% of the total samples, chose "No religion and secular perspectives."
Belief in God in the US has dropped significantly in the past five years, a new Gallup study finds. According to the report published in June this year, belief in God dropped from 87% in 2017 to 81% in 2022.
NASA plans on beaming naked pictures of a man and a woman into outer space in a bid to encourage any intelligent alien life forms to respond to the message.
Published on March 25, the "A Beacon in the Galaxy" project provides an updated binary-coded message developed for transmission to extraterrestrial intelligence in the Milky Way galaxy.
A study sponsored by the Humanist Society of Scotland revealed many Scots are departing from religion and religious identity. The study showed a stark difference compared to a similar survey in 2011. The survey conducted by YouGov, an international research data and analytics group, asked more than 1002 adults about their religious preferences.
On January 3, 2022, CESifo released a resounding preliminary paper on the social implications of withdrawing religious education from the academe. The article claimed that the “staggered termination of compulsory religious education led to more equalized gender roles, fewer marriages and children, and higher labor-market participation and earnings.”
The annual National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) of the Pew Research Center said around three out of ten US adults now consider themselves unaffiliated to any religion. First conducted in 2020, NPORS is an annual survey conducted online and via mail using a nationally representative group of respondents.
A study published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal on March 5, 2021, postulated that the lack of perceiving religious imagery or other displays of faith is more likely to predict atheistic tendencies later in life.
In a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a team of researchers from the Washington University in St. Louis in Missouri revealed some vexatious frames of mind from ultra-conservative Christians.
The report by the Office of the Director of the National Defense (ODND) released last June 25, 2021, caused a flurry of discussion regarding the existence of aliens. The report's title, made more ominous by the government agencies involved in its writing, Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), creates an exciting topic for non-religious and religious individuals.
A much-needed tipping point in the social atmosphere of America has been achieved. A study backed with a substantially generous amount of data showed that more than half of adult Americans accept evolution. The study, first published online by Sage Publishing on August 16, 2021, stated that the public's level of acceptance of evolution had increased dramatically over the past two decades.