On Wednesday, February 10th, the United Nations released a report describing the heinous human rights violations in Iran. The report reveals appalling details of electric shock and other means of torture that the Islamic Republic of Iran uses against LGBT children while claiming their intent is to “cure” them.
Among white evangelicals, over 25 percent still believe in “QAnon” conspiracy theories. This may suggest some people experience difficulty abandoning one conspiracy theory when they believe whole-heartedly in another.
Two gay men fled to Russia after escaping alleged torture in Chechnya. On February 3rd, they were seized by Russian police and taken back to Chechen police.
During a baptism at a church in Romania, a priest completely immersed a baby’s face in a baptismal font three times during baptism. The six-week-old baby boy died from cardio-respiratory arrest the next day.
According to state-run media, an Egyptian court overturned the sentences of two women who were previously convicted on charges of “violating family values” and “inciting debauchery” as a result of acquiring significant fame on TikTok.
Recent court documents reveal two decades of sexual abuse of orphaned children by the very institution charged with their protection. The plaintiffs, survivors of horrific sexual abuse at a covenant in Speyer, Germany, described how 175 orphans — mostly boys ranging from age 7 to 14 — were ‘pimped’ out by the nuns to perverted businessmen and clergymen.
Rihanna, one of the top-selling music artists of all time, poured out her support to farmers protesting on the borders of India’s capital, New Delhi. Aside from music, Rihanna is also known for her involvement in humanitarian causes, as well as entrepreneurship.
She supports the farmers protesting three new agricultural laws enacted by India’s central government late last year. In her tweet, she asked why more people aren’t talking about the new laws. She advocated for other countries to highlight the farmers’ grievances.
While on the playground at Rejoice Christian Schools, Chloe expressed her feelings for a fellow female classmate. Soon Chloe was escorted to the office. The vice-principal called her in for a meeting to lecture her about Christianity’s extreme views on same-sex relationships.
Authorities in Indonesia’s Aceh province publicly caned two gay men — a total of 77 times each — with rattan sticks.
In Aceh's Tamansari city park, dozens of citizens witnessed the cruel enforcement of sharia law. Human rights activists chided Indonesia's authorities for the sadistic showcase.