A Brazilian judge ordered Netflix to remove a controversial Christmas movie which portrays Jesus Christ as a gay man.
Student’s university project of re-purposing a Bible is found offensive by conservative Christians.
A Brazilian judge ordered Netflix to remove a controversial Christmas movie which portrays Jesus Christ as a gay man
President Trump spoke at Miami based church rallying his evangelical base and claiming that God is "on our side."
The United Methodist Church announces plan to split into two branches – pro-gay and anti-gay. The decision will be made in May 2020.
Do people expect from each other what they would do unto them? A study says ‘Yes’.
Moriah Hughes was only 14-years-old when then-25-year-old Elihu Rodriguez sexually abused her; Rodriguez is finally sentenced for child rape.
The “Ohio Student Religious Liberties Act of 2019” would prohibit public schools from penalizing students for work that contains religious beliefs.
Number of known victims who have been abused over beliefs in witchcraft and possession has risen by a third in two years.
One year after the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, many American Jews feel unsafe displaying symbols of their religion.