The veil once again figures in the culture war in Egypt with a photo of a woman who got a black eye after taking off her hijab going viral on Facebook.
A secular group wants to get rid of chaplains in some college basketball teams on grounds that such programs violate the separation of church and state.
Satanists in Missouri are fighting for their right to an immediate abortion, alleging abortion waiting periods violate their religious beliefs.
The religious police in Saudi Arabia joined Twitter, despite having condemned the website as the source of all evil and devastation in 2014.
A spiritual figurehead reportedly molested four girl students while “fixing their auras” in his residence in Cibitung Kulon.
Hillary Clinton says that religious beliefs, cultural codes and structural biases must change if women want access to reproductive health care.
A group near Nashville is trying to open a church, except that only weeks earlier, the same group tried to open a swinger’s club in the same location.
A study carried out by Pew Research Center reveals some interesting information concerning the trajectory of world religions over the next 40 years.
The U.S. House of Representatives has been working towards legitimizing discrimination against women and LGBT, using religious liberty as a façade.
Christian pizzeria shut down when threatened for saying they would not cater same-sex weddings; lesbian donated $20 and apologized for LGBT.