At least 100 people were invited to the recent unveiling of a Satanic statue featuring Baphomet being flanked by two children.
Despite news reports of animal sacrifice being banned at Nepal’s Gadhimai Festival, its organizers denied having knowledge of any such change.
A religious rights group, representing a pastor who was fired for saying gay inmates will go to hell, is citing his legal rights to have him rehired.
A man in Nepal was found guilty of abducting and murdering a young boy after a shaman told him that a human sacrifice would save his ailing son.
Religious minorities in Nepal have criticized the draft version of their new constitution that prohibits religious conversion.
For those who wish to attend church but are not interested in organized religion, Sunday’s Finest may be the latest option for a fun-filled weekend.
A billboard for an upcoming Hindu temple in North Carolina was fired at, leaving more than 60 holes and causing authorities to investigate the incident.
Religious police in Saudi Arabia imprisoned the head of a kindergarten school for allowing a rainbow mural to be painted on the wall of his institute.
Thailand’s Supreme Administrative Court ruled August 4 that Falun Gong practitioners could register officially, thus making the religious group lawful.
The United Arab Emirates passed a law that is expected to tackle discrimination including those based on religion, caste, race or ethnic origin.