Krisla Rezireksyon Kris, who is charged with killing her daughter, said that doctors, hospitals and medicines are the work of the devil.
Most of the Netherlands’ population believes that religion should not be practiced in public, and that politics and education should be religion-free.
A study found, in ancient times, people did not necessarily believe in gods, casting doubt that religiosity is the default setting for human beings.
Several Jews, who turned to Mormonism in their former years, today practice both religions as a means to celebrate their dual identities.
A Scottish masonic conference in Malaysia was disrupted by a group of protesters who believe freemasons pursue a secret agenda to destabilize Islam.
Non-Jews, who wish to practice Orthodox Judaism, may be perceived as gentiles by Jews, but that is not stopping them from identifying as Noahides.
Christians in India refused to be drawn into a controversy that claims Christ was Hindu and Christianity broke away from Hinduism.
American President Barack Obama recently proposed cutting federal funds for abstinence-only sex education programs.
The BBC accessed hundreds of letters and photos that narrate the story of Pope John Paul II’s intense 30-year friendship with an American academic.
Human Rights Watch urged Indonesia’s President to protect the rights of LGBT after LINE was ordered to remove stickers featuring same-sex couples.