A transgender man in California plans to take legal action against a barbershop after the owner refused services to him based on religious beliefs.
Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a complaint in a federal court against a tax law provision that offers special perks to religious leaders.
A 16-year-old girl was drugged and burnt alive in an honor killing, ordered by tribal council, for helping a friend from a neighboring village elope.
Federal officials along with local police have been investigating hate crimes that are directed towards Muslims at Idaho State University.
American Humanist Association wants the first Thursday of May to be designated by Congress as the National Day of Reason.
For the first time ever, the number of Norwegians that says they do not believe in God has surpassed the number of those that says they do.
A community of Jewish converts in Uganda gained official recognition from Jewish Agency of Israel, the world’s largest Jewish nonprofit organization.
According to figures released by the Census department, Christian and Muslim tribals remain one of the fastest growing demographic groups in India.
Many migrants who have recently converted to Christianity say they fear retaliation from Muslims in Europe.
A federal judge dismissed the case of a prison inmate who had demanded that the prison accommodate his worship of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.