After many years of trying to obtain a “no religion, no caste” certificate, Sneha Parthibaraja was finally certified on February 5th.Sneha, a 35-year-old lawyer from Vellore, became India’s first citizen to have a ‘no caste, no religion’ certificate.
Human rights activists commend Indonesia’s decision to mandate public schools to allow students autonomy when choosing their attire. The schools’ practice of forcing women to wear religious clothing is now banned as of February 3rd.
Loujain al-Hathloul, the Saudi activist who gained international attention as she publicly opposed the ban on women drivers in the country, was placed in custody by the Saudi government in May 2018 due to her activism.
During a baptism at a church in Romania, a priest completely immersed a baby’s face in a baptismal font three times during baptism. The six-week-old baby boy died from cardio-respiratory arrest the next day.
Four students, who attend Istanbul's Bogazici University in Turkey, were arrested due to artwork depicting LGBT rainbow symbols alongside an image of Islam’s most sacred site, the Kaaba.
Some news outlets report the indistinct description of “LGBT rainbow symbols” alongside the Kaaba. To be more precise, four different flags were portrayed in each corner, featuring the iconic rainbow flag, and three others individually representing the lesbian, transexual, and asexual community.
Last week, lawmakers in France debated a bill aiming to rout out only “radical” Islam. These laws hope to prevent radical beliefs from seeping through to the community that will affect the whole country with plans that undermine national values.
The bill’s sponsor, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, says the laws are designed to stop “an Islamist hostile takeover targeting Muslims.” He insists that “we are not fighting against a religion,” though many Muslims are worried the amendments will increase stigmas against them.
According to state-run media, an Egyptian court overturned the sentences of two women who were previously convicted on charges of “violating family values” and “inciting debauchery” as a result of acquiring significant fame on TikTok.
Recent court documents reveal two decades of sexual abuse of orphaned children by the very institution charged with their protection. The plaintiffs, survivors of horrific sexual abuse at a covenant in Speyer, Germany, described how 175 orphans — mostly boys ranging from age 7 to 14 — were ‘pimped’ out by the nuns to perverted businessmen and clergymen.
A group of Israeli anti-fascists recently hacked a KKK webiste, and exposed the identities of several of its members. The hackers gave an exclusive statement to The Jerusalem Post identifying themselves as Hayalim Almonim, Hebrew for Anonymous Soldiers. This group is a cumulative movement of anonymous anti-fascists, also known as Antifa. This multi-celled group of activists operates together with no leaders as they oppose neo-Nazis, fascism, white supremacy, and racism wherever they can reach.