Mariah Walton, awaiting a heart and lung transplant, is blaming her parents for faith healing and thinks they should face criminal charges for that.
A new resolution, H.Res. 349, introduced by Rep. Jamie Raskin, is calling for the “global repeal of blasphemy, heresy, and apostasy laws.”
The Seventh Circuit Court issued a major decision in favor of a transgender student who has not been allowed to use a boy’s bathroom in his school.
New Zealand is a developed country with a high rank of education, economic freedom, quality of life, but believe it or not, it has a blasphemy law.
Trump’s speech during his visit to Saudi Arabia didn’t include usual Trump’s rhetoric and he even called Islam “one of the world’s great faiths.”
The Vatican’s financial chief, Cardinal George Pell, is accused of sexually abusing two choirboys after becoming archbishop of Melbourne in the 1990s.
Kosaka Kumiko, nun at the Antonio Provolo Institute, a school for deaf children, is arrested on suspicion of helping priests sexually abuse children.
The "Freedom to Serve Children Act," Texas’ HB 3859 is allowing adoption agencies to discriminate against potential parents on the basis of religion.
House Resolution 1004 passed without any debate on Monday in Oklahoma City equals abortion with a murder of innocent unborn children.
Public safety should trump the “rights” of others to use speech to incite violence either directly or indirectly.