Iceland proposed a bill that would make this Nordic Island country the first country in Europe that banned male circumcision.
Baptism for the dead was performed on Holocaust victims by Mormons but they would invalidate those ceremonies because they violated its policy.
More than 40% of countries have a preferred or favored religion, a new Pew Research Center analysis of data covering 199 countries in the world shows.
In a new video on YouTube, world’s top religious leaders are sending an interesting message -Make friends with people of other faiths.
The US State Department's anti-Semitism office is going to be unstaffed and religious freedom advocates are trying to preserve its Special Envoy.
According to the site Daily Caller, a new study showed that atheists are less tolerant of dissenting opinions than their religious counterparts.
Rabbis at the Scientific and Technological Institute deem fidget spinners, the most popular kids’ toy, kosher for Shabbat.
The report, Israeli Practices Toward the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid, concluded that Israel has established an apartheid regime.
Steve Bannon, White House chief strategist, brings unwanted attention to Trump administration with his anti-Semitic sentiment.
Report finds that a strict adherence to Jewish law treats child abuse survivors as outcasts and discouraged them from contacting secular authorities.