Thai female Buddhist monks seek gender equality after being denied access to pay respects to dead King at the Grand Palace.
A Muslim woman’s request to wear a niqab while giving evidence in her damages claim against police was declined by Australian judge, Audrey Balla.
A woman took a picture of herself wearing a blue coat, bright skirt and boots and no hijab in Saudi Arabia and now faces calls to be executed.
Canada: Bill C-32 would stop drawing distinctions between genders for people in different kinds of relationships.
The Romanian Constitutional Court cleared a way for a referendum on changing the definition of marriage as a union strictly between a man and a woman.
Nazi Paikidze is boycotting a world chess championship in Iran in February, despite the fact that winning that tournament is her biggest dream.
The German Interior Minister suggested a partial ban on full-face veils, but the question is: How many women in Germany actually wear a burqa?
Islamic State militants are using encrypted apps like Facebook, Telegram and Whatsapp to sell Yazidi sex slaves to online buyers.
Iowa Civil Rights Commission amended its brochure last month after two churches in the state filed lawsuits.
Men are now allowed to search for men—and women for women—on the dating site ChristianMingle, which earlier approved only heterosexual couples.