The National Union of Students came under fire recently after some of its members refused to condemn the barbarism displayed by the radically militant group, Islamic State.
A religious advocacy group recently claimed that the drama instructor at Cape Fear Community College ordered a student to “dumb down” the religious tone of a production.
About 650 people gathered in Las Cruces for the start of the 7th annual Pagan Pride Day, to educate the public about paganism and dispel myths associated with it.
Residents of Thomasville hosted a prayer protest on the football field after county officials prohibited students from hosting prayers via the public address
The Hardin Jefferson Independent School District removed China Elementary School’s Facebook page after receiving a complaint from Freedom From Religion Foundation.
Various faith leaders in Britain recently came together to protest the proposed changes to be made to the existing religious studies curricula followed in faith schools.
Two scientists, with decades of experience in researching environmental change, recently urged religious leaders to mobilize public opinion against the desecration of ecosystems.
After a football coach in Arizona alleged that he was fired for encouraging his squad members to pray, a coach at another school in the state was suspended on similar grounds.