Sixty-seven men and boys have been rescued by Nigerian police after "inhumane and degrading treatments" at an Islamic school.
Arizona teacher was fired for allegedly discriminating against a transgender student and expressing anti-gay views because of her religious beliefs.
The first grade teacher sued the school for terminating her employment after learning she was pregnant and not married; the diocese won the case.
Hindu teacher has been accused of making illegal comments about Prophet Muhammad and he could face death penalty.
Regarding its LGBTQ policies, a Christian organization has been denied official status as a student group by Duke University's student government.
A Catholic school in Tennessee has expelled all Harry Potter books from the library shelves because they apparently promote witchcraft.
A girl was expelled from school for ‘sexual impropriety’ despite her claims or perhaps because of the claims she was assaulted.
Utah Chiropractor Charged With Sex Abuse
Churches are training its congregants and making it easier for them to bring weapons to church in the wake of frequent mass shootings.
In every state in the United States, less than one quarter of the population say abortion should
be illegal in all cases, a new survey shows.