Ibrahim Negm, advisor to the Grand Mufti in Egypt, said Dar al-Iftaa would be conducting seminars to counter atheism.
A Coptic Christian, who was arrested for distributing the Bible, recently had his detention extended for the second time.
Pakistan made it compulsory for Sikh residents to seek permission from their religious body before traveling to other countries, especially India.
Given a choice between religious liberty and LGBT rights, Americans overwhelmingly choose the former, a new poll found.
A boy studying in Bangalore requires counseling after he was humiliated for being Muslim and ordered to recite a Hindu prayer.
Muslim residents of a Texas town have sought a place to bury their dead but others have objected, saying Muslims wants to strengthen their foothold.
Federal inmates, who identify as humanists, can finally observe Darwin Day and seek accommodations that are usually offered to religious inmates.
A religious rights group, representing a pastor who was fired for saying gay inmates will go to hell, is citing his legal rights to have him rehired.
A billboard for an upcoming Hindu temple in North Carolina was fired at, leaving more than 60 holes and causing authorities to investigate the incident.
Thailand’s Supreme Administrative Court ruled August 4 that Falun Gong practitioners could register officially, thus making the religious group lawful.