Kaduna State’s Religious Preaching Regulatory Bill has drawn the ire of Christians in Nigeria, who claim that the executive bill is anti-Christian.
The terror group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar threatened Pakistani Christians with more devastating attacks, following the Easter Sunday bombing in Lahore.
Christian Educators Association International says American children can’t tell right from wrong since religion was removed from public schools.
Last month, the Pontiff decided to join Instagram, taking the media by storm when he acquired over a million followers within the first 12 hours.
Pope Francis recently washed and kissed the feet of 12 migrants from eight nations with hope of bringing together different religions and cultures.
A group of atheists in Kentucky are planning to launch a billboard campaign to oppose a $92 million replica of Noah’s Ark expected to open in July.
Washington State announced that it was shutting down a pay-for-prayer website, after the owner had to pay $7.78 million in restitution fees.
The local administration in Cordoba denied the Roman Catholic Church’s claim of lawful ownership over the Spanish city’s legendary mosque-cathedral.
Human Rights Watch urged Egyptian authorities to withdraw prison sentences for the Coptic Christian teenagers convicted of blasphemy on February 25.
While attacking Christianity and it’s history, Islamic State recently released a video showing militants burning thousands of Christian texts.