In a case that deeply divided advocates of religious liberty and supporters of women’s rights, the Supreme Court said on June 30 that closely held corporations with sincerely held religious beliefs are not bound to provide a full range of contraceptives free of cost to their employees.
David Durian from Albuquerque in New Mexico has apparently found a unique image of Jesus on one of the Fuji apples that he was using to make apple butter.
A New York federal district judge said that a public school was right in forcing a Christian teacher to remove Bible-themed materials from her classroom.
A Christian therapist who works for the National Health Service was disciplined and banned from discussing her faith at the workplace after she allegedly bullied a Muslim colleague.
The Republican National Committee launched its first web-based effort on June 27th to explain to religious conservatives how important it is for them to vote in this year’s midterm elections.
Even as Britain recently banned the teaching of creationism in free schools and academies as a scientific theory, a creationist Northwest Science Museum was inaugurated in Boise on June 14th.
Thousands of LGBT rights activists and supporters participated in the sixth yearly Pink Dot rally in Singapore despite religious leaders and radical groups protesting against the festivity in the island nation.
Former Vatican diplomat Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, who served as an ambassador to the Dominican Republic, was defrocked after being convicted of child sexual abuse.