Members of a congregation in Alabama sued their pastor after he confessed to having sex with worshippers on the premises of his church, even though he knew he had AIDS.
Former members of Grace Cathedral Church, headed by televangelist Ernest Angley, accused him of encouraging members to undergo vasectomies and abortions.
Head of Vatican Court, Cardinal Raymond Burke, expressed his opposition to gay marriage yet again, while being interviewed by LifeSite News earlier this month.
A new survey revealed appalling results pertaining to high numbers of pornography use, sex addiction and increased rates of sexual infidelity among Christian men.
A priest who served at parishes in Detroit and was a former prison chaplain took the stand to deny allegations of having stolen money from a charity fund for the poor.
A religious advocacy group recently claimed that the drama instructor at Cape Fear Community College ordered a student to “dumb down” the religious tone of a production.
A man who is suing the Archdiocese of Newark and a Catholic parish in Rutherford, alleging he was sexually abused, is demanding the statute of limitations be repealed.
Residents of Thomasville hosted a prayer protest on the football field after county officials prohibited students from hosting prayers via the public address