A 71-year-old priest, who had already served three years for sexually abusing minors at a boarding school, was just sentenced for another three years.
India’s secular spirit seems to be under increasing threat as Hindu radicals continue to pressure religious minorities into forced conversions.
A child abuse inquiry found that a Catholic cleric failed to report a conversation with a pedophile priest, which would have ensured a jail sentence.
A pastor in Georgia warned residents of Harlem that children who believe in Santa Claus really believe in Satan and will grow up to become atheists.
Addressing the issue of the CIA using torture, radio host Bryan Fischer said God approves of torture, as He has sanctified brutality in the Bible.
After receiving warnings from the FFRF, Utica Fire Chief Russell Brooks refuses to take down a sign that says, “Happy Birthday Jesus, We Love you.”
According to a new investigation, celibacy may be one of the factors contributing to the increase in cases of child sex abuse in the Catholic Church.
A billboard campaign by Catholic League may have taken aim at Christian persecution but nonbelievers were not left behind as they prepared their response.
Alabama officials adopted the phrase “Keep Christ in Christmas” as a holiday parade theme but they had to drop it when an atheist group intervened.
According to a report, some governments are increasing their efforts to portray atheists and secularists as terrorists and a danger to society.