For the first time, the name Muhammad has broken into the top 10 US baby names list in 2019
Church in Wisconsin hosts Thanksgiving for LGBTQ people who have been rejected by their families.
Is it justified to introduce mandatory drug tests in school “due to the increased usage of vapor products”? One Catholic school in Ohio says yes.
Moriah Hughes was only 14-years-old when then-25-year-old Elihu Rodriguez sexually abused her; Rodriguez is finally sentenced for child rape.
Catholic priests get 45 years in prison for sexually abusing deaf kids at the Antonio Provolo Institute for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children.
At the funeral, Rev. Don LaCuesta said that a boy who took his own life might be blocked from heaven; boy’s mother sues him.
Two parents challenged compulsory religious worship in school assembly and enable a secular alternative in Burford primary school.
Atheist urges Irish government to change survey question about kid’s faith because they are to young to give accurate answer to that.
Nine people were killed by drug cartel gunmen in Mexico; officials say the cartel may have mistaken the group's convoy of SUVs for rival gangs.
The “Ohio Student Religious Liberties Act of 2019” would prohibit public schools from penalizing students for work that contains religious beliefs.