High school cheerleaders defy prayer ban at football games and rekindle the old tradition of religious chanting before every match.
A religious battle is brewing in Austin as the Texas Board of Education decides on what will be included in their students’ textbooks next year.
After 30 years of sex related activities involving children, Catholic Priest Eric Dejaeger is brought to justice.
The Islamic State is educating children on killing and bombing.
Germany is ready to fund education about antisemitism for Muslim youth.
Israeli police shut down prostitution ring that convinces Jewish girls to have sex with nonJewish men to “save the Jewish people”.
A five-year-old student was sent home on his first day at kindergarten because school officials decided that his hair was too long.
Pastors in Texas are demanding a local library get rid of books that revolve around vampires and other demonic content.
An Oklahoma judge rules a law that allow the use of public funds for special needs students as unconstitutional.
A school district in Florida caved in to the demands of a secular group and banned local ministers and other Christians from serving as chaplains for its schools’ sports teams.