Scottish inquiry concluded that children endured systematic violence and degrading emotional abuse for more than 50 years in the Nazareth Houses.
Catholic nuns have also sexually abused children and those victims want greater visibility for their accusations.
Polish activists toppled a statue of a priest whose reputation was shattered after his death, when child sex abuse allegations came to light.
Last October, Pope Francis compared getting an abortion to hiring a hitman, and now he did it again at anti-abortion conference.
California Bill that forces priests to report abuse was passed through the Senate Appropriations committee to be voted on by the full State Senate.
The Russian Orthodox Church is rejected by the city of Yekaterinburg whose authorities backtracked on plans to build a new cathedral in a park.
The Vatican will only approve hysterectomies in cases of life-threatening pregnancies or if the uterus is no longer suitable for procreation.
Victims who were sexually abused by clergy filed a federal lawsuit against the Vatican.
A documentary on child sexual abuse among Polish priests caused public outrage; Poland now plans to double jail terms for pedophiles.
A private Catholic School introduced a new dress code banning girls to wear skirts in school; students are planning a peaceful protest.