Right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs delivered a compelling sermon last July 11, 2021, in his church, the Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, California. He claims that the sexual actions of the LGBTQ+ community are proof that god exists. And that “evolutionists” should be "against same-sex unions" because it (gay sex) does not make sense because it does not produce life.
In his video from his YouTube channel, Hibbs alluded to the idea that since god intended man to multiply and that evolution will not work if on same-sex intercourse, therefore gay sex proves god and disproves evolution. Fascinating how Hibbs used mental gymnastics, held up by his lack of basic understanding of evolution, to make his narrative work.
Hibbs added that evolutionists should be "against same-sex unions," followed by deriding on one of the lines in Charles Darwin's On The Origin of Species. Hibbs asked his congregation for help in recalling the line, "what is one of the statements? It's the survival of the fittest, right?" Hibbs expounded that for the theory of evolution to propagate, the creatures that are evolving need to procreate. Since same-sex intercourse does not provide the necessary biological means to reproduce, therefore, "there would be no such thing as homosexuality."
This latest attack on the LGBTQ+ community is not the first for Hibbs. In 2015, Hibbs and other right-wing pastors criticized the US Supreme Court's ruling that legalizes same-sex marriage. The ruling covers government services and policies while not violating any religious practices pertaining to marriage. Hibbs was not satisfied with the Supreme Court's ruling, claiming that the Supreme Court has "crucified God's word."
The sheer amount of invalidity in Hibbs' claims goes both ways. He is wrong about homosexuality disproving evolution and definitely wrong about homosexuality proving the existence of a god. Although there is no existing theoretical structure where homosexuality is against the mechanics of evolution, we know that it exists in nature. Far from disproving evolution, homosexuality, for all its glory and purpose, is a fabulous product of evolution.