Rick Saccone Considered Those Against Him Evil

Rick Saccone

According to the Friendly Atheist, the PA Republican House Candidate Rick Saccone considers political opponents to have a hatred for God.

At the time of the report, Conor Lamb was competing against Saccone in a special election. Saccone, according to the Friendly Atheist, is a Christian conservative with a tendency to want to instill the Bible in society rather than the Constitution.

Saccone had blame for a specific set of people, “They’re energized for hate for our president… Many of them have a hatred for our country. I’ll [tell] you some more — my wife and I saw it again today, they have a hatred for God.” In short, those that do not like God.

Hemant Mehta, the Friendly Atheist, hypothesizes that Saccone was pointing to the Trump and Republicans as on the side of the good and Democrats and other opposition as on the side of evil.

In other words, Mehta suggests, “But this sort of thinking — that you’re either with Trump and the Republicans or you’re on the side of evil — is why Saccone and anyone like him deserve to lose. They have no desire to represent everyone in their District. They only care about the people who believe as they do.”

The results of the election: Saccone lost.

Photo Credits: MSNBC

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