Nebraska: Woman Suing Homosexuals on Behalf of God Has Case Thrown Out

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A woman, who believes she was worthy of representing God in his apparent battle against all homosexuals on earth, had her case thrown out by a court in Nebraska when she asked the judge to decide for the nth time whether homosexuality is really not sinful.

In his summary to Sylvia Ann Driskell’s case, Judge John Gerrard said, “This court is not the place to seek opinions regarding theological matters; this particular forum is closed and the case will be dismissed. … To the extent that she asks for anything from the court, it is a declaration that homosexuality is sinful – a question that the court cannot answer.

The court may decide what is lawful, not what is sinful.”

And in case the complainant was thinking about amending her claim, the judge ruled that that would not be possible.

Driskell had filed the lawsuit against all homosexuals on earth on behalf of God, alleging that gays and lesbians break religious law. In a neatly handwritten seven-page document, 66-year-old Driskell alleged that homosexuals know it is a sin to live the lives that they are living, yet they are not brought to book by those in authority.

Lawsuit against all gay people

Giving herself the title “Sylvia Ann Driskell, Ambassador for the Plaintiffs, God and His Son Jesus Christ”, she filed her lawsuit simply against “Homosexuals”.

Quoting extensively from the Bible, Driskell repeatedly warned Nebraska and the United States of being besieged by sin.

“I'm 66 years old and I never thought that I would see the day in which our great nation or our great state of Nebraska would become so compliant of some people's lewd behaviour,” she wrote.

Driskell’s lawsuit appeared to be a response to a case pending before the Supreme Court, which will decide whether to extend marriage rights to homosexuals across the entire United States.

Photo Credits: Sword at the Ready

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