Georgia Town Under Fire for Offending Atheists and Secularists

Georgia Sheriff

A sheriff in Georgia posted a politically incorrect sign outside his police department last month in support of America, its military troops and Christmas.

WARNING: Harris County is politically incorrect. We say: Merry Christmas, God Bless America and In God We Trust. We salute our troops and our flag. If this offends you… LEAVE!” read the sign.

Georgia Sheriff

The politically incorrect message was posted by Sheriff Mike Jolley of Harris County, who advised those who took offence to leave his town. He also explained that he decided to put up the sign outside his department after growing sick and tired of the silent majority that has only become more silent over time.

“It's time for the silent majority to stand up for our beliefs and not be ashamed,” he said. “I spent 20 years in the Army to give everyone the right not to agree with it and to voice their opinion if they're not, and that's fine.”

Despite receiving widespread support from locals, atheists and secularists went on to blast Jolley on social media.

Jolley –who has served as the sheriff of Harris County for six long terms– paid $553 for the sign from his own wallet. The sign was made by D&D Company in Columbus and it has become so popular that several locals have expressed an interest in getting similar signs made for their personal use. Some have even asked Jolley about the manufacturer’s details so they can follow through with their plans.

“I'm humbled by all of the support. Surprised and humbled by it. Maybe the silent majority isn't going to be silent anymore,” he said.

Jolley has close to 75 employees in his department and some of them are not Christian. With regards to them, the sheriff said that they are more than welcome to worship any God they like.

“For me and mine, we worship Jesus Christ,” he concluded.

Photo Credits: Fox News

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