presents “Creationist Cosmos”

Creationist Cosmos

The creationist demand for “equal time” with Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey to present the Biblical explanation for the creation of the universe may have been satisfied with the production of a comic parody - “Creationist Cosmos.” The video sketch emulates the popular science show presented by Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, but answers all questions raised with a simple “God did it” - thus, satirically summarizing the creationist view accurately and hilariously.

Creationist Cosmos from Funny Or Die

Creationists have alleged that Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey promotes “blind faith” in science. “Banana man” Ray Comfort was outraged that Dr. Tyson advocated evolution as scientific.

Enter the comedy website, and Jared, from the Creationist Baptist Church of Alabama. The lay preacher travels across the galaxies in his Baptist church minivan, crediting God with having created, well, everything. Except gay people, who choose to be gay.

If you are wondering why God did any of this - “Tsk, tsk tsk!” admonishes Jared, “That’s not for you to question, or know..” 

Satan receives a little credit too – for placing the entire fossil record as a clever trick to fool people.

“Did he get ya? Don’t worry about it, it is never too late to come back into the fold,” Jared says, grinning. “Satan, you old jokester.”

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