Freethinkers Raise Funds to Package Meals for the Hungry

Atheists Fight Hunger

Pennsylvania Nonbelievers organized Pastahcon earlier this month and it was a huge success, but what was even more impressive is that the group made time during the busy conference to package meals for the hungry. As part of their initiative, Atheists Fight Hunger, Pennsylvania Nonbelievers collaborated with a non-profit program, Outreach, to arrange for the targeted number of food packages in Harrisburg.

Together, the two ventures managed to raise $5,704.05 this year that initially allowed them to pack 22, 818 meals. However, Pennsylvania Nonbelievers was able to raise an additional $1,870.50 at the weekend conference, which helped them pack a total number of 30,300 meals that were then handed over to Central Pennsylvania Food Bank for distribution.

Coincidentally, Central Pennsylvania Food Bank too operates on a secular ideology.

Atheists Fight Hunger







Brian Fields, President of Pennsylvania Nonbelievers, said whether Jesus feeds the hungry could continue to be debated upon but as logical, rational, secular freethinkers, his volunteers ensured that they did something helpful in the name of humanity. According to Fields, Pennsylvania Nonbelievers is less about whether a person is Hindu, Christian, Muslim, atheist, white or black and more about individuals that care enough about others to do something for them.

Photo Credits: Atheist/Humanist Conference

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