After two churches in America placed the national flag below the Christian flag, it became evident that there was an online campaign for people of faith who believe that God comes first and surely before their nation.
The second incident surfaced after Pastor Rit Varriale from North Carolina placed the Christian flag above the American flag on a pole at Elizabeth Baptist Church. “Our typical flag etiquette is to have the American flag above the Christian flag. But when you stop and think about it, it should be our commitment to God first, then our commitment to country,” he said. Varriale also said that he got the idea from Pastor Walter Wilson of Focus Missionary Baptist Church.
“As I was changing the rope one day, the Lord just laid on me that He is first. And when He told me that, I switched the flags around,” he said.
After drawing inspiration from Wilson, Varriale went on to launch a website, titled God Before Government, which informs pastors about their new agenda while encouraging them to join the anti-LGBT movement. “If there was ever a time when people need to stand up for traditional values and beliefs, it is now. On Sunday July 5th, Elizabeth Baptist Church in Shelby, North Carolina, took its stand with a flag raising ceremony that displayed the Christian flag over the American flag. This new approach to flag etiquette symbolizes that our service and commitment to God is greater than our service and commitment to government – especially a government that coerces us to violate our commitments to God,” reads the website.
Varriale said that all churches need to fly the Christian flag in a similar a manner to make evident how God comes before government. “If your church is willing to join ours, please take a picture of the flagpole at your church, post it on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter using the hashtag #GodBeforeGovernment, and join the conversation about religious freedom and the role of government in modern society,” he said.
Both Varriale and Wilson told the media that silence is no longer an option and they hope this movement they have sparked will acquire traction across the nation, especially after the United States Supreme Court recently ruled that same-sex marriage should be recognized in all 50 states.
Varriale admitted that his website has been attacked by many on grounds of being unpatriotic and disrespectful towards the nation. However, the pastor, who has served as an army ranger in the past, said he brushes aside those criticisms. “I really don’t need a lecture on patriotism. I’m willing to give my life for my country. When you think of military mottos, for example: God and country, God first and then country,” he said. He explained that the position of the flags would symbolize how congregations serve God first and government second.
Photo Credits: Newsmax