American Atheists Launch World’s First Atheist Television Channel

Atheist TV

American Atheists recently launched Atheist TV, which is the world’s first ever television channel to promote only secular ideologies. The channel will be available for streaming on Roku.

Right after its launch on July 29, American Atheists President David Silverman released a statement that reads as follows:

“There are hundreds of TV channels dedicated to religious programming, but nothing like this has ever existed before for atheists, and yet the demand is overwhelming. For the first time, atheist video content—from firebrand speeches, to stand-up comedy, to documentaries, to real science-based educational programming, and more—is now available to atheists worldwide, on the air and all in one place. Atheist TV brings consistent, quality, superstition-free programming for children and adults, on the air and on-demand, right from your regular television. This is an idea whose time has come and we’re celebrating.”

Explaining how the number of non-believers in America has been on a steady rise, with one fifth of the total population not associating with any particular religion currently, Silverman said that the channel is geared towards all atheists across the world.

“Atheist TV is geared toward every atheist in the broadest possible sense. Whether they call themselves atheists or skeptics or humanists or any of the other labels that people use to identify themselves, Atheist TV is for them,” he said.

The channel was launched via an invitation-only event that was attended by television personalities, producers, speakers, activists as well as donors and sponsors who helped set up Atheist TV. The party featured a speech by Silverman as well as the first broadcast at 7 pm, where the channel aired a welcome video starring many well-known science educators and atheists.

Creationist Ken Ham criticized the launch of new channel, saying, “It is incredible that atheists spend so much time, effort, and money arguing against Someone that they don’t even believe exists! Where are all their books, websites, and magazines that argue against the mythical Easter Bunny? This is because they do know God exists but they are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness… Laws of logic shouldn’t exist in a completely random materialistic universe that the atheists believe in — and yet they do!”

A Facebook post on the channel’s page the following day confirmed that the launch was a success and the after-party a blast.

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