The Man From Earth (2007)

The Man From Earth

The Man from Earth begins with Professor Oldman packing his belongings when his colleagues show up to bid him goodbye. Upon arrival, Oldman’s friends are curious to know why he is so adamant on leaving. After some persistence, Oldman poses a question to his friends – “What if a man, from the Upper Paleolithic survived until the present day?” His friends assume Oldman is writing a science fiction and so they play along, providing him with a variety of answers. As the film progresses, Oldman reveals himself as a caveman who had traveled with Christopher Columbus in the 15th century.

Oldman continues to describe prehistoric earth after clarifying he is approximately 14000 years old but does not seem to age, one of the reasons why he must move away from his current location. The friends then take a break from the discussion when one of them gets in touch with a psychologist. The discussion resumes and Oldman continues to talk of the different civilizations that he has survived and tells tales of his life as Jesus. Eventually, some of his friends get offended and think that he is either mentally ill or high on drugs, while Oldman goes back to continue with his packing.

Is Oldman ill or is he truly the man from earth? What happens next when Oldman is threatened to provide a proper closure to his story? Do his friends believe him or do they abandon him? To find out the true story of the man from earth, watch this thrilling science fiction.

The Man From Earth

The Man From Earth (2007)

The Man from Earth begins with Professor Oldman packing his belongings when his colleagues show up to bid him goodbye.

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