My father, the Southern Baptist preacher, used to say, "Everyone has faith, and they use it every day, they just don't know it."
About the Author
I was born to a strict evangelical minister, so for the first 18 years of my life I was immersed in extreme Christianity, but religion was never a good fit for me. When I left home I left the church and, after some brief experiments with other religions, left religion all together and became a non-theist. I have been an English professor, a newspaper editor, an IT manager, a retail salesperson, and even a chimney sweep. Now, I am retired and free to pursue my own interests.
My father, the Southern Baptist preacher, used to say, "Everyone has faith, and they use it every day, they just don't know it."
The Founding Fathers were Deists; they wrote the Constitution specifically to maintain the separation of church and state.
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