Christians are worshiping some new, nameless god, imagined in their own minds, a god with characteristics quite unlike Yahweh of old.
About the Author
I born in Virginia and grew up in Connecticut. landed in Nebraska for several years and am currently residing in Kansas. I was raised, with my three sisters, in a Baptist orphanage and heavily indoctrinated in the Baptist religion. It took many years before I realized that I actually was an atheist trying to fit into a Christian skin. This realization came as a result of many years of private study and college majors of Philosophy/Religion and English. Having labored in various fields throughout my life, raising two children, and helping out with two precious granddaughters, I now find myself happily let loose in the world without any job titles. History, learning, freedoms of thought and expression, and politics are foremost in my interests.
Christians are worshiping some new, nameless god, imagined in their own minds, a god with characteristics quite unlike Yahweh of old.
God is irrelevant to me as an atheist, but as a member of a political society, god is extremely relevant with a focus on god in America, especially as to how a professed belief in god should, but doesn’t, affect the US Congress.
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