How can atheists deal with death of loved one knowing they will never be seen again?
About the Author
I was brought up in England in no particular religion; though, in the 1970’s, everyone assumed you were Christian unless you told them otherwise. My exposure to Christianity was limited to school and the scouts. Religion was never discussed at home. My mum gives a vague nod to Christianity at funerals and weddings, and my dad is an atheist. I have been a lifelong atheist. My major axes to grind with religion are pollution of education, and discrimination in the name of religion. I am also in favour of all law being secular. I work in secondary education and see first-hand how a more secular Britain is benefiting children.
How can atheists deal with death of loved one knowing they will never be seen again?
Trite eighties pop songs by cross dressing slightly chubby DJs aside, it sort of is, in a poetic sense.
It’s amazing how many times a person tries to claim that a matter of fact is a matter of opinion – let’s clear this up with a counter-apologetic!
One situation that seems to regularly upset atheists is the funeral. It’s assumed we are all religious. What if there were a secular alternative?
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