There is a romantic pull to the idea of shifting off this mortal coil with some remnant of ourselves left behind for our loved ones to cherish.
About the Author
I am a professional writer and storyteller living in North Florida, USA. In my mid-40’s, I am employed full time at a local university, while blogging and working on my creative writing pursuits. Both of my parents died when I was in my mid-twenties, and I have been writing about atheist grief/mourning issues since 2010. You can check out my grief blog here.
Follow KimBoo York on twitter : @kimboo_york
There is a romantic pull to the idea of shifting off this mortal coil with some remnant of ourselves left behind for our loved ones to cherish.
What can we learn about dealing with personal loss from the public spectacle of mourning a celebrity’s death?
Finding solace in grief that isn't religious or superstitious calls for a new, secular language of grief.
The common ground for all mourners is that we grieve for what we have lost, but also for what we will never have.
KimBoo York has been an atheist mourner since 1996, and in her first column brings her brand of sarcasm and optimism to the brutal reality of grief.
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